ETQW : Videos thread

(iwound) #41

wtf donnovan. you fail. stand in the corner.

(.Chris.) #42

Ha, I told him about omd other day, there ace but nothing to do with ET:QW.

(Coliseum) #43

[QUOTE=Apoc;219963]Still maintain nkm’s frag vid is the best, such good frags and i love the music[/QUOTE]

The bloopers made me laugh too. Poor Fenda…

And despite this being ETQW v1.2, with headhitboxes the size of King Kong, he’s generally so on the money with his aim that I suspect he’d be able to pull it off in ETQW 1.5 as well.

(AnthonyDa) #44

Noticed the “ETQW” in thread name don ? It’s not “random vids”.

(Donnovan) #45

Hey, sorry! :o

Better to me remove then and add a ETQW video?

Corner is niiiiiiiiiice, they have ice cream here, and sky is blue!

(Dthy) #46

The size of King Kong? I should of started playing earlier!!! I wonder if Fenda ever got his own back o_O

(iwound) #47

New QW advert.

I’ve just realised Donnovan exits on a different plane of existance than i. But some how through the forum we are able to communicate with him. just about.
Like in that film Frequency.

(Ashog) #48

Here is more action packed in 2 minutes than in any ETQW vid, guaranteed :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(Dthy) #49 Now thats teamwork!

(Susefreak) #50!

(Szakalot) #51

I got the link to my flying guide somewhere… maybe ill find it tomorrow, cant be bothered to look now :stuck_out_tongue:

(Mr.Ben) #52

(light_sh4v0r) #53

You killed basily so it’s a good vid.

(Ashog) #54

no teabags = fial

(Cankor) #55

OK, I know it’s a crappy video, so don’t flame the production. Had some original music from a fellow geezer that seemed to work and a couple demo’s from a tenacious hold on island and threw it together in 1/2 hour.

(light_sh4v0r) #56

looks good, nice hogging :slight_smile:

(Coliseum) #57

1:15 -> Lol @ the medic getting out of the Titan to drop the infil, only to have a hog wreck the tank right in front of him when he’s healing up.

(Zarlor) #58

This was from a league game. We never yelled so loudly over TeamSpeak before. We had 30 seconds left. It’s a good thing I went prone I think… :slight_smile:

Also, Pipboy pretty much took out the entire team in some pub play with the Anansi. He even crashed it into two Stroggs so the guy could transmit. Epic.


(nukits) #59

[quote=brutt01d;220066]here is more action packed in 2 minutes than in any etqw vid, guaranteed :d :d :d

r.i.p mcp xd

(nukits) #60

found one movie and looks pretty grazy :smiley: