When you click on community, then you see the game portal section, it has Brink, and Wolf ET. Now I was wondering, where is ETQW? Since the community site is down, all that is left is the forums on the SD site.
ETQW section in SD site?
That’s actually the point: the official site (www.quakewars.com) used to be the game portal, but Activision closed it. No use to link to a dead site.
The discussion forum on the other hand is still here: hover over Community and click Discussion Forums.
Guess what turns up under the Splash damage games category?
Funny you should mention this…
What sort of stuff would you guys like to see as part of a Quake Wars portal?
I don’t understand, when I click community I get a dropdown menu which doesn’t include a gameportal section.
Edit: there are 2 community buttons which both give a different dropdown menu but neither have a gameportal xD halp!
[quote=light_sh4v0r;243511]I don’t understand, when I click community I get a dropdown menu which doesn’t include a gameportal section.
Edit: there are 2 community buttons which both give a different dropdown menu but neither have a gameportal xD halp![/quote]
Are you clicking on the top link that says community, in white lettering on a gray background rather than hovering over it?
Once you get there, the title is Splash Damage Community in orange lettering, with 3 subtitles “The Splash Damage Forums”, “Game Portals”, and “Ways to Connect” in gray lettering.
If you look at the game portal section, there are 2 links. One leading to Brinkthegame.com, and the other leading to the Wolfenstein enemy Territory barracks.
Now in the games section, there is ET, ETQW, and Brink, but in the community game portal section, ETQW is missing, presumably because the actual ETQW portal got actifailed.
Now, since I am one to always want to fill in holes of something, I would wonder in the future, will there be a makeshift page, like the ET barracks for ETQW? Perhaps salvaging stuff from the Activision ETQW community site?
It’s more like Splash Damage has 3 games, but 2 game portals. One is missing, and that the third game portal should be there to complete the set.
And before the ETQW community site went down, was there a link leading to that site in the game portal section in the past?
[QUOTE=badman;243505]Funny you should mention this…
What sort of stuff would you guys like to see as part of a Quake Wars portal?[/QUOTE]
I never really noticed it was missing, but since you ask
As ET got it’s “barracks”, I think QW should have a “strogg nest” :oppressor:
How about cloning the barrack page, then changing the forums links and images to the qw versions?
btw, if you still have those screenshots and the fansite kit from the media section on the old community site, that could fit in as well
And if you do it, don’t forget the stroyent ads on youtube! :stroggbanana:
Edit: ok I see this was more or less the same suggestions as signofzeta, so: +1 then
[QUOTE=Scrupus;243879]As ET got it’s “barracks”, I think QW should have a “strogg nest” :oppressor:[/QUOTE]Strogg would affectionately call it a “processing unit” though.