ETQW Quiz - (win an Extraction key!)

(CaliberWorkz) #41

Am i the only one who googled it?


(INF3RN0) #42

[QUOTE=CaliberWorkz;497522]Am i the only one who googled it?


Do you seriously think I knew it off the top of my head :tongue:

(Rex) #43

lol, who needs to google Stroggish… I speak it fluently.

(Celebrian) #44

Well, about realistic water reflections? If file name is a hint, not a trap ^^

(cloudhalo) #45

well u are a strogg so of course not, after all its your mother tongue.

(INF3RN0) #46

It’s the ray traced expo .

(edxot) #47

its rex’s dream of having 4 anansis in island (2 of them with underwater capabilities)

(Loffy) #48

Doc carrier comes out there, gets picked up and flown to transmitter? Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars ™ is an awesome game with some great maps. This one, Island, is one of my favorites.

(Mustang) #49

Omfg, I didn’t even know about this, looks absolutely gorgeous.

(INF3RN0) #50

Ghost Town

(INF3RN0) #51

Rex give up or wut lol

(Rex) #52

Haven’t had time the last days sorry, but next question comes tomorrow! 3 to go… and the last one will be the master question. :>

(INF3RN0) #53

Trick question? "A Strogg player can ‘man’ the turret, over-riding the automatic targeting to engage targets of his choice. " So I guess that means any strogg.

(Loffy) #54

“Who could control the turret manually in former times?” I recall that anyone could approach the turret and press a key on the keyboard to man the turret.

(cloudhalo) #55

platypus range from 30 cm to 45 cm and weigh 2.4 kilograms.

(Dthy) #56

Three huskies.

(Snotling) #57

Not sure INF3RN0 won the 3 previous questions but if he did he clearly deserves his reward now. Still I want to see that master question you keep under your hand! :slight_smile:

(Runeforce) #58

(Hint: answer to the question is on the CE collector cards.)

(INF3RN0) #59

Rex won’t let me win!

(Rex) #60

Does no one know the answer? Runeforce has given a good tip… I will give you time until tomorrow, because no one has answered right yet.