Got the time to try it out:
- A warning on map load, it’s perhaps setstate bar_destroy invisible, or the game prints the warning when all the setstate’s have been executed. You can use ETScript, which reads the BSP data is available, to check if it exists (not colored);
- The dragon teeth at the first Allied spawn which is on the left when facing them is floating a bit;
- Perhaps too much alarms once the Tank has passed the Old Destroyed House? ^^’ For instance on Supply it got quickly disabled through custom map scripts, and there were just one, slower and with a lower volume ^^’ Could be limited in time for instance, e. g. 3 times;
- Also that phase, the Bridge, could be a real bottleneck That’s why I asked before the release if thewere just once exit from that spawn;
- The tomb ^^’ A second entrance through these side breaches could be a good thing, spamming explosives can clear this place without leaving the chance to anyone to… well, live
Aside this, great use of fog with limited rendering distance with the foliage technology! Atmosphere, visually with the fog and night plus the ambient sounds, is excellent.
(A detail: on map start in front of Allied spawn, there’s a little house on the left, and players need to jump to get onto the floor level; this should be possible by walking)