ET Comic

(Higgins) #21

The last one is, urm, what the hell is going on in the last comic?

(kamikazee) #22

It’s just about a n00b who can’t enter cg_drawfps in his console. Nothing more, nothing less.

(Shaderman) #23

You don’t know SLASH? :moo:

(Higgins) #24

I dont pay attention to rock stars. Whos FLASH.

(Salteh) #25


(Dazzamac) #26

if you say you don’t know who Slash is, even as a joke, i’ll eat your children. Thats a promise people. :rocker2: :rocker:

(Joe999) #27

i’ve seen him in a live conert once. he was so drunk, he ran with his guitar from the one end of the stage to the other end, right into a pile of huge speaker boxes. i asked myself if his hair were in his face and he didn’t see anything, but then … it was the alcohol for sure. and then i wondered how he could still play guitar with that level of alcohol in him … :smiley:

(Dazzamac) #28

Well being the spokeperson for Black Death vodka he’d better be testing the product hadn’t he?

(Higgins) #29

Ok, eat my children. I dont know who he is. I listen to rock. The only album ive listened to is grillaz and demon days.

(Sauron|EFG) #30

He’s the overrated former guitarrist in the ‘hair band’-turned-joke Guns N’ Roses. :nag:

They did make some good songs btw, and being overrated doesn’t mean he was crap or anything.

(EB) #31

Did they overrate him in Sweden because they never over-rated him here. :poke: :lol: :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw…I just played for a few hours and I had a whole bunch of comic#3

(kamikazee) #32

Comic nr 14 is there. I’ve seen better ones though.

(carnage) #33

14 v good. i think we can all feel for the engineer as we have all been there ourslelves

(Dazzamac) #34

It is at that point, the engineer steps back 3 paces aims for the head and fires. It’s best to put a dumb animal out of its misery before it injures itself and others.

(Higgins) #35

Theres a new comic.

(B0rsuk) #36

The only thing good about this comic is graphics, and that’s only because SD people made it.

(kamikazee) #37

I wouldn’t say that, there are a few darn good comics there.

(eRRoLfLyNN) #38

Tell me that isn’t funny! :nag:

(B0rsuk) #39

Tell me that isn’t funny! :nag:[/quote]

It’s either totally unfunny or I don’t get it. Anyway, it doesn’t compare to Clichequest, Valley of the Grind. Some MMORPG knowledge required, but damn good.

(Sauron|EFG) #40

Anyone that has played public ET servers should get it. :wink: