ET Barracks broken download links

(Scrupus) #1


the download links for ET Full game on ET Barracks seems to be broken - probably the original site have changed structure since the links was setup:

This has confused some potential new ET players I’ve sent to that page, so would be good to get it fixed, as it can be quite hard for new players to figure out which files they need and where to get them :slight_smile:

To make it even simpler, I suggest to also link to the excellent installer that includes the 2.60b version - not sure who made that one but they deserve a medal. Can be found here fex:

(Salteh) #2


Thanks :slight_smile:
Seems we both downloaded W:ET the same day - I figured out it was broken too and sent Badman an email.

It’ll be fixed soon :).

(shagileo) #3


Seems we both downloaded W:ET the same day [/quote]

Reliving good old times, are we? :cool:

We’re still waiting for an awesome SD vs community head to head event :smiley:

(badman) #4

Just fixed these - seems that when Fileshack relaunched, they changed 50% of their URLs (the patches went unaffected, weirdly).

(Scrupus) #5

Great, tnx! :slight_smile:

Now let’s go hunting for Salteh on the servers, he’s hopefully more rusty than me in ET these days :wink:

(shagileo) #6

Could this be him? :smiley:

(Scrupus) #7

hehe, yeah nice find - target in sight! :penguin:

(shagileo) #8

Seems the whole SD bunch is secretly training the skills :eek:



Digibob (hehehe - look at tag :smiley: ) :

hang on boys, they’re preparing a 3 v 3

woaaaah - woaaah:

(UJERebel) #9

OMG :o there invading :smiley:

Would love to play against then :slight_smile: ( or with ^^ ):stroggtapir: