Woohoo new error message - don’t ya just love that. What the hell does:
ERROR: Q_strncpyz: destsize < 1
I looked at the console log and it just has that line. No indications what the error is pertaining to or anything. The log looks a little like:
LOADING… - game media done
LOADING… flamechunks
LOADING… clients
LOADING… =EFG=Damocles
UI menu load time = 81 milli seconds
CL_InitCGame: 20.17 seconds
132 msec to draw all images
Com_TouchMemory: 5 msec
ERROR: Q_strncpyz: destsize < 1
----- Server Shutdown -----
==== ShutdownGame ====
Anybody seen this or have a clue what the problem might be? I’m thinking it might be related to target_locations as the major change between this version and the last working version was the addition of 300 odd target locations.