Entity Scripting Mind Teasers...

(hummer) #1

I’m trying to do something that sounds Super Mario Brothers-esqe.

Okay, for one, imagine you’re in the original super mario brothers. You know that first invisible 1 up? You can jump up and hit it from the bottom, and it comes into existance…

I’m trying to do something like that in wolf. I was thinking of using just a trigger that triggers a func_static that is directly above the func_static, but the problem is, players could hit it from above (jumping from a ledge onto the trigger), and the func_static comes into existance, killing the player.

So, I’m wondering if there is a way to solve this problem? I thought about putting brushes on the top that turn the trigger off, then on again when the player reaches the ground… that way, they could jump up and active the box… anyway to turn triggers on and off?

Also, is there any know way to have a brush that causes damage to be part of a scriptmover? What about a moving trigger brush? Anyone done anything like this before, or know how to go about it?

(kat) #2

you’ll need to use accums… basically the top trigger kills the trigger below so it doesn’t fire your effect, the tricky bit will be reactivating the initial effect trigger once the player hits the ground as that trigger (on the ground) will need to be ‘off’ unless the player jumps down from above… it can most certainly be done but you’ll have to wiggy jig about to get the script working how you want it to…

(hummer) #3

Cool… looks like it’s working great! Thanks!

Now, if there was someway create script_movers that cause damage… that, and like, having script_movers so something when touched… basically, any script_moving trigger :confused: