Entity Func_bats

(vicpas) #1

Anybody knows to work with this entity on GTKRadiant?
This entity is on map END(Heinrich) in the game RTCW.
In the gameplay this entity is the ghost that circulates around of the environment in the map.

(zenith-ply) #2

Wondered about the same thing myself some time ago. See if Kat is around. Iirc he may have had access to some extra rtcw sp .map files.

(Nail) #3

iirc, “Ressurection” in W:ET had one of those ghosts as well

(kamikazee) #4

I think it is not present in W:ET. After all, RtCW’s SP and MP code was a separate code project and they used only the entities they’d need in MP for W:ET.

The resurrection map faked it with some creative use of shaders.

(vicpas) #5

Hi, Zenith-ply

Unhapilly, Kat forgot how he made this entity works.

(zenith-ply) #6

Unless gtkr supports it I suppose it wouldn’t work at all? Like the mystery tag_emmiter entity in assault.

(Detoeni) #7

You’ll need to find a version of radiant that is older than GtkRadiant-1.3.13 that works with SP RTCW.
All the wolf_entities files I have since 1.3.13 do not have Func_bat entity listed, but it may be in some of the older installers

(ailmanki) #8

// RF, bats v2.0
/*QUAKED func_bats ( 0.3 0.1 0.8) (-32 -32 -32) (32 32 32) START_ON TOGGLE
count = default 10 bats
radius = maximum distance from center of entity to place each bat (default=32)
speed = speed to travel to next waypoint (default=300)

might be that, might be not at all

(Detoeni) #9

Thanks ailmanki

Vicpas, if you add the above to your wolf_entities which you’ll find in your main/scripts folder you should be able to set the entity up in Rad.

If you decomplie the original level back to a map file, you will be able to see what settings the original designers of the level used with this entity.

(vicpas) #10

Thanks Detoeni and Ailmanki.
The entity appears on GTKRadiant v.1.2.11, but I got the effect showed in the shots in this link: http://wolfmap.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2006.
it works fine in the map only when i placed the entity “ai_boss_henrich”, too.