Enemy Territory: Doom Wars

(signofzeta) #21

Bad revive? Aw come on man.

(TNR360) #22

oh god no please

lets have a Enemy Territory: Wolfenstein instead :lol:

Im serious

(vcs2600) #23

signofzeta – I agree, a medieval Hexen type world would make for a fun multiplayer game.

(Dangles91) #24

I dont think i could play that type of game. I’d fall asleep.

(Eddmarkus) #25

Doom was in general monsters with melee attacks, and the corrupted marines packes the same as the player does so i dont really think it would be such a good game. In they would make a game what classes would there be? Corrupt Marine, Imp, Pinky n Hell Knight? would really work 2 well imo. Maybe if there we´re corrupted marines against normal marines. Same weapons (pretty much like ET) n really nothing ooto in either team… Maybe if they would bring some good maps and campaigns… but i still dont think Doom would make a good team-based action game. It has its love from its single-player n co-op adventures.

(Gringo) #26

Zeta, u come out with some nonsense i tells yeh :smiley:

(Dazzamac) #27

It’d hardly be doom wars with medievil sorcerors would it? To be Doom it has to follow the story of Doom. Just like Quake Wars is a prequel to Quake 2. Its been a long time since I played Doom but I’m pretty sure there were no f@ckin templar knights in it. This thread needed gibbed and you come along with big shiney yellow needle full of crap. wp

(murka) #28

k if it comes i will own u all with my soul cube.

(signofzeta) #29

fine fine. We will revive id software and raven software’s heretic and hexen series.

We will call it so that the title has “enemy territory” and “hexen” in it. Then EA will notice that Splash Damage is making a team based game based on the medieval times, and like how EA did with RTCW, and ETQW, which they made BF 1942 and BF2142 based on each game respectively, EA will make Battlefield 1342. Hahahaha.

Black plague posseseth thee.

Still the teams will be humans vs demons.

Human classes would be Warrior, Cleric, Blacksmith, Mage, and Rogue

Demonic classis would be, I will only name the one that is based off medic, field ops, and covert ops and that would be Dark Bishop, Necromancer, and assasin respectively.

(madness) #30

You have it all figured out, don’t you. 8)

(Flesh) #31

Omg fu*k demons, QW totaly needs Night elves as a third faction

(TNR360) #32

Nah Ruskies and Nazis!!!

(Brinkman) #33

doom should be a mass murder game like painkiller or the original doom games…