Editing post

(Pegazus) #1

This has happened to me previously too when i try to edit a post, but I thought it was just a one time error.
Instead of Save option I get Delete this Message. Also sometimes it shows Vote now too instead of Save.

I would not have noted this, but it is starting to happen more often. (So i think)

(badman) #2

Do you know off-hand which of your posts this happened on?

(Pegazus) #3

Yes I do
This one.
And on the first post of this thread.
These are the ones that I am 100% sure. Others I can’t remember exactly.

(DarkangelUK) #4

I had this happen to me last night as well. I’ve also noticed that when I click on the section quick link at the top from within a thread, rather than taking me to the threads list, it takes all the way out to the sections list… was beginning to think i was more crazy not usual.

(Nail) #5

try clearing browser cache

(Pegazus) #6

I have, My clean up software does it for me on every Friday. I have not logged on the site for some time, but I’l see if I will be experiencing any of this more.