Dutch Expandables
You´re searching for a clan and players for an esports-team or a clan to establish your own esports-team?
You´ve always wanted to try yourself as a team-manager or an organisator? You´re a hobby-caster or a Streamer looking for a professional environment to realize yourself?
The Multigaming Community Dutch Expandables offers you now support through the eSports World.
We offer:
- A professional environment with active management
- A active crossgaming community
- Support and assistance for any team establishments
- A Teamspeak³ server with your own team-channel
- Gameserver for training and matches
- A stressfree environment to make your project come true
Game-Teams we are looking for:
- Battlefield 3/4 (Main Squad)
- CS:GO (Rookie Squad)
- Overwatch (Main Squad)
- Heartstone (Player)
- LoL (Main Squad)
- Dota2 (Main Squad)
- SC2 (Player)
- Rainbow Six Siege (Main Squad)
- Rocket-League (Main Squad)
- Fifa 16/17 (Player)
- Wolfenstein ET 3v3 6v6 (Main Squads)
- Call of duty modern warfare editions 3v3 5v5 (Main Squads)
- Call of duty Black ops Editions 3v3 5v5 (Main Squads)
- Dirty Bombs (Main Squad)
Also looking for:
- Active squads/player in all kinds of games
- User who wants to participate in administration/organisation
- Caster and streamer for our brand
- eSports editors
- Social media managers
Homepage: dutchexpandables.nl
E-mail: info@dutchexpandables.nl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dutchexpandable
Teamspeak: ts.dutchexpandables.nl
or post your contacts in this thread!