
(Ciakgb) #1

Don’t know if anyone else has covered it, but I just got my first draw! Meagan mine, he shot me but the only square that would do it crossed paths with a fatal mine. So I died, then he died…he got listed as the victor, but the coins were split right down the middle! Didn’t get a shot quick enough, but here is the final screen showing everyone dead:)

(Warchest_Andy) #2

I had one draw a while back where my Captain died to a poison DoT after killing the last enemy. It’s very rare but pretty funny.

I guess you might see it more often than most people with a three Megan setup; enemy toons must explode at the end of most turns! :slight_smile:

(Ciakgb) #3

With the light Meagan, I’m also dying a lot:)

Having fun, though!

(badman) #4

Whoa, nice one :smiley: Haven’t had this myself yet.

(Beasttekkers) #5

Yeh never I did’nt even think that it was possible but Megan’s are really starting to piss me off