Drake is here!

(azaleadrake) #1

Hi to all its nice to be here in this forum I am Azalea a newbie here, I join here in this forum, coz I see a lot of interesting topics here…is some of the threads.

by the way I just want to say hi to all the members of this awesome forum the splash damage, hope I am welcome here!

I am looking forward to meet a lot friends here!
Hope to see you some of the threads here!
See yah and enjoy!

(Nail) #2

(ducks) #3

Finally! What took you so long?

(Loffy) #4

We can’t have a forum without a drake. Welcome!

(Halpo696) #5

HI im new to just joined this cause a person who works in splash damage who used to my course recommend i join so hi all my names karl.

(shagileo) #6

Hi Drake 'n Karl!

(badman) #7

Welcome guys!

(SLASH) #8

Welcome to both of you.