DOOM 3's 1v1 multiplayer balance and what maps it calls for

(Mogul) #1

I’ve been playing DOOM 3 multiplayer several hours a day since August 3rd. I’m starting to get a general feel for the style of 1v1, and I must say, in my opinion, the way that the player uses weapons is very akin to QuakeWorld. Every weapon is a tool, and thankfully, more than two weapons in this game are usable (rl and lg were extremely powerful and useful in QW, but that was almost it). Still though, it seems to me that the style of play that this 1v1 experience brings, is very close to QW.

In that case, I would guess that certain maps will find their way into DOOM 3’s competitive 1v1 scene, such as –

ztndm3 from QuakeWorld

aerowalk (maybe… that map is so dependent on teleports, and DOOM 3’s teles are pretty slow)

or perhaps pro-q3dm6 or something of that sort will be released.

There is one map in particular I would love to see, and I truly believe that DOOM 3’s style of 1v1 totally calls for it – dm6, from Quake. This map is one of the best balanced maps I have ever seen, without it playing to sterile.


(wviperw) #2

I agree, much of D3 MP seems to be inspired by QW, which is A Good Thing ™ IMO.

As far as remakes go, I’m sure they will inevitably be made, but I hope the authors will learn from the example of The Edge II by intelligently adapting the level for D3. Also, the best thing for the D3 competitive 1v1 scene will, of course, be creative original 1v1 maps.

(Ifurita) #3

I’d love to see any map by Ztn converted to D3 as well as a bunch of Charon maps