don't open boxes?

(Major_Slapnuts) #1

I guess we don’t want to open any boxes until they do away with lead and iron cards?

(Rokon2) #2

Naw, it wouldn’t matter. The loadout cards are decided the instant you obtain them, so the boxes that you had after the loadout cards were removed will still contain those cards.

(ThePigVomit) #3

Nope, box is what it is.

When they do make the transition there will be a completely different case layout. Check out the minisite for more info.

(FalC_16) #4

@ThePigVomit said:
Nope, box is what it is.

When they do make the transition there will be a completely different case layout. Check out the minisite for more info.

Exactly I was once thinking that if I dont open my event cases I would get the new merc in an event rarity that already was past.

Nope. Didnt work like that:D