Dome ideas/discussion

(Loafus) #1

As many of you know, Dome is getting a redesign that, as far as we know, could be as big of a change as what Dockyard went through between the first demo and it’s release.

With this redesign, I wanted to put some of my ideas out there and see what other people thought. Please note that this is only my opinion of what I would like to see change. You should have your own opinion and discuss it below.

First objective:
I would probably scrap the delivery objective for a repair an objective to actually promote team coordination for a slightly more balanced first point, allowing for defenders to have more room for error, as well as making the attackers have a better time by not having the team mule carry the objective from the helicopter. The attackers would repair a structure to knock down or open walls protecting the defender spawn (defenders can wall jump over these walls from designated locations).
If that is not possible, I would redesign the delivery station so that it stays above ground, while allowing attacker protection from fire support. However, the attackers would need to deliver two EMP charges instead of one, making the defense have room for error, while making the walls destroyed by c4 from the attacker side have more use.

Second Objective:
Normally I would say to remove the dual site for c4 and just make it one site, but that is what makes Dome unique, so that should stay. Instead, I would make an adjustment to the tunnel system. Instead of having separate tunnels between attackers and defenders, I would make the tunnels connect together from one stretched out point. This would allow attackers more options for rushing a site, as well as making more of the map usable.
I would also make the tunnels better by replacing the ladders with stair cases (the aesthetic would change from a sewer to a subway track for the CDA base). This would make mercs who have less viable range (i.e., engineers and other mercs suited for c4 objectives) able to have a safer path between the objectives and side objectives. A new entrance would also be added in the defender spawn, making them have access to the tunnels before the attackers, making balanced team battles underground possible.

This would allow both strategic pushes from the attack and viable flank routes from the defense, which are disadvantages to the second point of Dome.

Third point:
The third point is the least problematic, usually allowing smooth gameplay and advances from both sides changing throughout the battle. The one thing bad is the respawn for both sides.

I would move the defender spawn closer to the point and with fewer obstacles to pass through to get back to the objective. For attackers, I would make them spawn closer to the door that the defense can repair. This would make that path more convenient for the attackers to use, as well as more rewarding for defenders to block off. However, the doors would swap requirements (I.e., the door defenders repair is already sealed, and the door that attack needs to open is already opened, making one path more consistent for constant pushes, and the other rewarding for long-term maintenance from both teams.

These are just my suggestions, but I feel like these changes will improve dome’s main problems, and keep both sides constantly flowing towards the objective and make side routes and objectives more important to both sides.

What do you guys think? Did I forget to include something? Post your own ideas below, and thanks for reading my suggestions.

(kopyright) #2

@Loafus said:
If that is not possible, I would redesign the delivery station so that it stays above ground, while allowing attacker protection from fire support. However, the attackers would need to deliver two EMP charges instead of one, making the defense have room for error, while making the walls destroyed by c4 from the attacker side have more use.

IIRC the first version of Dome required the delivery of two EMP charges which was very defender-sided - it got adjusted for a reason.