Does 144hz really makes you a better player?

(JShug07) #1

Okay so I am planning to buy a cheap 144hz monitor probably in next month,I have read about the advantages of having 144hz monitor like people say there is a difference like night and day and some say the difference is noticeable but it isn’t worth since 60 FPS works for them,I wanted to ask to the people who own 144hz monitor here is it really worth getting it? I have usually seen that I struggle with players of level 60+ I don’t know whether those guys have a tremendous aim or do they use 144 Hz to have a advantage

(Gire) #2

YES It does, once you get the 144hz monitor theres not going back to 60hz

(TepidJesus) #3

Things like this always comeback too, if the player is unskilled no amount of hz will make you a better player. So in other words, you have to have the base skill in the game before this will improve your play.


Yes, the difference is absolutely marvelous. I do not own a 144 hz monitor myself though because my display is very overclockable friendly I am able to experience 103 fps from the original 60. It’s honestly simply said an astonishing experience to make and something you don’t want to miss out on. To be fair you can do quite well with only 60 - I’ve been playing like that for a long time - but some opponents are going to see you first, they will often get the first hit. It won’t make a potato become a god but if you feel like you are decent with your current gameplay and looking to improve, this is the best way.

(nokiII) #5

144hz is smoother, will look nicer and is in general a quality of life improvement.
It also raises the potential skill ceiling, but it won’t make you better in an instant.

(enigmaplatypus) #6

144hz is very nice and it does make a slight difference. 144hz makes the game smoother and when you adjust to the new frame rate your aim can start to improve. They are really nice and fun to have. However, they are not a necessity and you can be a great player without one. Really what it comes down to is your own playing ability. If you are a good player and have good aim, then a 144hz monitor can help you. If your aim is bad a 144hz will not make that much of a difference. If your planning to get a 144hz monitor because you want one and can afford it then great :slight_smile: But don’t feel like you have to buy one in order to do well.

Also here are some tips… Be prepared to suddenly view 60hz monitors as slow and choppy after you adjust to 144hz. Ensure that your computer/graphics card has a DVI port and can actually run games at over 144hz (I say over because occasional framerate drops wont hurt that much if you have frames to spare). When you hook up your monitor ensure that it is using 144hz, when I got mine it defaulted to 60hz for some reason.

(kittz0r) #7

Do you Aim with your Monitor? No, you Aim with your Mouse and Arm. It might be smoother with 144hz but doesn’t make you a pro Player if your Aim lacks anyway.

(Press E) #8

That feeling when your slowly dying PC hates DB and can barely handle 60 FPS and everyone else is talking about 144 hz monitors ):

(dots123) #9

144hz is the way better. but your rig should pump stable 144+ fps too :smiley:

(FalC_16) #10

@kittz0r said:
Do you Aim with your Monitor? No, you Aim with your Mouse and Arm. It might be smoother with 144hz but doesn’t make you a pro Player if your Aim lacks anyway.

Well it improves quality of your life drastically. My friend who changed his rig completely going from average 40 fps to 144 fps truly became better. But yeah its marginal.

I recently bought a 144 hz ips screen on 1440p . It really is day and night. Man even the mouse coursor in windows moves smoother.

(woodchip) #11

It makes an enormous difference. It’s really just as dramatic as 30 FPS to 60, if you can remember those days.


That feeling when your slowly dying PC hates DB and can barely handle 60 FPS and everyone else is talking about 144 hz monitors ):

Now we see why you play Aura… B)

(geefunkster) #13

@woodchip said:
It’s really just as dramatic as 30 FPS to 60

Nope. Just nope.

(Artyrim) #14

Well you can see the difference but you need some time to get used to it. Ofc if you suck at 60 fps then 100+ won’t help you .
At least is going to be a pleasure to be killed with a nice smooth view .

The best thing is PING .
If you ping is under 20 with 60 fps on 1080 then the 144 won’t change anything, the difference in your skill is going to be like 1% .

For example I’m better when I play on small resolution like 480p / 720p(60 fps) than 1080/1440 (100+ fps).

Btw don’t buy a 144 hz monitor if your max fps is like 40 xD

(JShug07) #15

Thanks for the support guys,Just a last question.I searched about the cheapest one and found out that there is a one called Acer GN246HL( Can you guys recommend any other since my budget is tight) I can’t go for 1440p monitor

(JShug07) #16

@Artyrim said:
Well you can see the difference but you need some time to get used to it. Ofc if you suck at 60 fps then 100+ won’t help you .
At least is going to be a pleasure to be killed with a nice smooth view .

The best thing is PING .
If you ping is under 20 with 60 fps on 1080 then the 144 won’t change anything, the difference in your skill is going to be like 1% .

For example I’m better when I play on small resolution like 480p / 720p(60 fps) than 1080/1440 (100+ fps).

Btw don’t buy a 144 hz monitor if your max fps is like 40 xD

I used to game at 40fps on DB but recently upgraded my PC the current specs are like
GTX 1060 3GB Dual Fan Edition
8 GB ( 2X 4GB DUAL Channel Ram)
Ryzen 5 1600
Do you think 144hz will work with this rig?

(bgyoshi) #17

It looks a lot nicer but no it won’t make you better, it won’t make you improve faster, and you aren’t going to hit a glass ceiling with 60hz monitors.

Remember that pros were just as good 10 years ago when 144hz didn’t exist as they are today.

Aim is hand-eye coordination and good positioning. Playing fast and precise touchscreen games with a mouse will improve your twitch aim a whole lot more than 144hz monitors will.

Stuff like this

(Press E) #18

@Wintergreen said:

That feeling when your slowly dying PC hates DB and can barely handle 60 FPS and everyone else is talking about 144 hz monitors ):

Now we see why you play Aura… B)

Honestly it’s true, I always go for aura when my wifi is messing up, lol

(bgyoshi) #19

@JShug07 said:

I used to game at 40fps on DB but recently upgraded my PC the current specs are like
GTX 1060 3GB Dual Fan Edition
8 GB ( 2X 4GB DUAL Channel Ram)
Ryzen 5 1600
Do you think 144hz will work with this rig?

Fancy board that handles Nvidia AND AMD is fancy. I used to have one myself

Should be fine. The problem isn’t the 144hz, that’s just the refresh rate of the monitor and it functions independent of the processing requirements

It’s the QHD (1440p) that’ll get you, and your rig should handle it fine.

(Rokon2) #20

The smoothness you get from a 144Hz monitor is invaluable.