Do you play for EXP or MONEY or FUN or for all ?


[LEFT][LEFT][CENTER][LEFT]well let me tell you that if you’re playing for exp Single Player is the best way to lvl up faster.
If you’re playing for money the only way you got is either buy money with “real money” or play multiplayer matches.
If you’re playing for fun you could finish all challenges and play multilayer matches as well.
If you playing for all I said do all I wrote above.[/LEFT][/LEFT][/CENTER][/LEFT]

(kmmd60) #2

I play for fun and credit. So both single player challenges and multiplayer matches are equally good IMO.

However, single player challenges aren’t the best place to test your team and strategy and the fun quickly diminish when you realized that AI can be tricked to lose an entire turn shooting deployables. And the single player mode has limited amount of credit that can be earned, so it’s lose it’s purpose quite fast. If we have a more meaningful campaign with acceptable storyline then it’ll be more engaging, even with lower payout per match.

EXP serves no purpose. It can be used to indicate how much a certain character has been used. Playing for EXP = BS.

(Sandman77) #3

No EXP gains you rad till level 40…

(HaqiUtama) #4

Play for Fun because other Ipad game is Boring (need clingcling :D)!