DIRTY BOMB UPDATE: Version 21216

(Sketcho) #21

I’ve left mine on seeding for a bit…

(Mustang) #22

Yea so have I, but it only seems to be pulling 100-200 KB/sec for 2 peers, can’t understand why it’s so low when my upload limit is around 18 MB/sec.

(Ashog) #23

290KB up here…

(RasteRayzeR) #24

310 mo left …

(Mustang) #25

This patch is soooo freaking amazing, it looks good on paper, but in-game it’s out of this world!

(MrFunkyFunk) #26

(5.5mo/s trololol)

First impression: wow, the iff & post-game boards look quite nice.
I barely played but I think I noticed some perf improvements, kudos!

More detailed impressions after a few games.

Edit: nice new ambiance light on Camden, the map doesn’t feel “doom & gloom” anymore. It’s quite enjoyable.

(OwNLY) #27

Even Battlefield 3 gives me better performance…

(60-80 when it´s quiet, but ~40 if i´m in a fast paced gunfight)

Why would you nerf the medic, he was perfectly fine!
Increased clip size, Buffed Nades, buffed shotguns, buffed sniper WTF?


(INF3RN0) #28

Oh noes my PC don’t like the update *crash report

(INF3RN0) #29

Without having played yet I can comment on a few changes.

Medic: Nerfing the self heal a bit is perfectly fine for a first attempt, especially considering the way the packs work now. Rambo medic was truly strong (allowing for little punishment for mistakes with the self packing) so I can’t really argue against it. People will complain because they want to constantly frag as medic without any repercussions. It’s an intelligent decision and we will just have to deal with it.

Recon: I don’t think buffing the sniper is going to be an effective means of making it become more played?? If that was the reason. It was good enough previous patch imo. If anything recon really needs a more attractive class role. Radar is nice, but not nice enough that you will always want to have a recon.

Overall I wouldn’t take all the echo play stats as reflecting imbalances with class weaponry/effectiveness. A lot of people play a class for no apparent reason other than they like the feel of it. Ex. most people don’t like shotguns so they won’t play it, etc. Maybe if the actual class abilities balanced out the weapon choices a bit better then you would get more wide-spread class play. I’m fairly sure 80% of the alpha plays the class they think they can frag best with most of the time, but it doesn’t actually mean anything logistically.

Also: In my opinion if you left nades the way they were in last patch, giving the engineer a slow grenade resupply ability would be acceptable and give it a more important team role (rather than obj whore). I’d like to be able to team up a medic/soldier/engineer for breaking bottle necks on offense.

(Nail) #30

getting more consistent 100 fps now, even with the new gfx, “things” feel smoother. As much as I like the arty, the airstrike startled me, well done

(Protekt1) #31

Looks all good. Downloading the patch right now. I am still seeing 0 NA players :frowning: :frowning: : ( : ( : (

: (

Long faces.

(prophett) #32

Agreed. I will never under any circumstance use a shotgun. I think I might have 10 mins total between the ENG/MED shotty class. I know we’re supposed to be testing, but I can’t force myself to play it :confused:


(Anti) #33

Main reason was to bring his kill rate up a bit, it was very ‘meh’. I think we’re agreed the role/ability needs to be better for both Recon characters if we’re going to up their played time.

(Humate) #34

Looking forward to trying out the recon buffs. :slight_smile:

While I agree its average KPM is pretty low in comparison to the other weapons, it was still ok.

(Kl3ppy) #35

Performance is really bad for me now, HUD is even more stuffed with the objective squares, medic low healing time is as bad as it sounds. I really dont like the patch

Best part of the patch: nades and airstrike

See you next patch

(spookify) #36

Never Nerf a Medic in a Medic based Game.

Same game play/style as ET and RTCW. The only class I will ever play is Medic unless it is so usless I wont but then whats the point of stop watch if all your medics are dead and you can sustain a push.

Medics will always have a statistical advantage of game play!
Think about it! ET and RTCW (6v6 Comp)
Did you see 4 engys 1 fo and a solder??? NO
4 Medics, Engy and Fo
or 3 Medics, engy, fo and soilder

Your stats should be based on 50% to 67% of people playing medics… At least for SW.

Like that one guys signature said ET did it right…

(montheponies) #37

[QUOTE=Anti;453444]Whilst we expect the Medic and Engineer to be slightly more popular than the other classes, the Medic 01 was so OP (in terms of self healing and lethality of the SMG) that this is what we were seeing with regards to play time.

Needless to say we’re looking for more balance than that :)[/QUOTE]

I’m not sure why though. There are only typically 8 players per side. With that in mind, at most you’re going to want/need to have one recon playing each side, not least because there is a distinct lack of targets and it’s function means that it’s limited to certain parts of a map and too many will doom a team to failure. Personally I don’t see anything in the stats other than what I would expect - 3 meds, 2 engineers, 1-2 F/ops, 1 assault, 1 recon.

The danger with the balance is that the tweak doesn’t address why the medic is being chosen - and it’s not because of some healing time or an uber killing SMG, it’s because he’s the most useful class for keeping players in the game. It’s a bit like the tenuous link between alchohol pricing and consumption, you’re trying to affect behaviour by tweaking - all you’ll end up with is a class that has to be played but is just less fun.

I really fear that too much emphasis is being placed on stats, to the point where we end up with the ‘best balanced classes and maps ever’, ie. it’s just a race to the bottom to make everything equally bad.

(montheponies) #38

bugger just posted after spookify :confused:

(Kendle) #39

It’s not a Medic based game, and don’t lump RTCW in with ET. ET made it a Medic based game by virtue of having an OP Medic. RTCW wasn’t Medic based.

The sig you’re referring to mentions ET:QW, not ET, and he’s wrong as well :slight_smile:

(Kendle) #40

That should be the case, but it isn’t currently. I hardly ever get revived and hardly ever see a Med pack, despite half the team being Medics. As an Engie mostly I really feel this, especially when I’m dead next to C4 that needs to be defused watching my Medics run past looking for someone to kill. I’m afraid people actually are playing Medic precisely because they can heal themselves and their SMG is as good as anything else.

I wonder if Echo has stats on how many revives per Medic per game, or a comparison between the 2 in how effective they are at reviving rather than killing.