DIRTY BOMB UPDATE: Version 17963

(Dragonji) #41

I haven’t played the game since few last updates. Just ended 3-4 rounds on SW server and I must say the game turns into right direction in my opinion. It was pretty damn fun. Two things I still don’t like tho - I can see enemies’ classes on the scoreboard and I can see enemy’s health bar while pointing my crosshair at him.

(iwound) #42

just tried waterloo and both walls had to be destroyed separately on obj server is this normal.
i thought 1 c4 did both.

(Smooth) #43

[QUOTE=iwound;437857]just tried waterloo and both walls had to be destroyed separately on obj server is this normal.
i thought 1 c4 did both.[/QUOTE]
If you plant it on the ‘open’ side, you’ll only blow up the first gate. Planting in between the two will destroy both.

(ImageOmega) #44

Smooth, can we get some feedback on why this second wall was implemented? I have only run around the map with a few others (not enough on to play), but I am not 100% sure what is the real value of adding this optional objective. Sure it becomes a shield and creates a different set of choke points, but I was hoping Splash Damage could enlighten us on why this was discussed and added. Thanks!

(pulley) #45

most likely because the map was to short. SD wants maps to last at least 19 minutes and if you are on a run trough it has to last at least 17 minutes XD
Now you need 3 more minutes for stage one --> win for SD!

(Anti) #46

Our target map length is 16-20 mins, so we weren’t trying to extend it.

ImageOmega answered his own question really, on some maps we’ve taken on board the feedback that the front line isn’t always great and that we miss defensible chocked points, this change was intended to add a bit of cover and a choke. We’ll see how it plays then decide if it’s worked :slight_smile:

Similar changes are happening on most maps and you’re likely to see tweaks to this stuff over the next few patches.

(zeroooo) #47

[QUOTE=Anti;437890]Our target map length is 16-20 mins, so we weren’t trying to extend it.

ImageOmega answered his own question really, on some maps we’ve taken on board the feedback that the front line isn’t always great and that we miss defensible chocked points, this change was intended to add a bit of cover and a choke. We’ll see how it plays then decide if it’s worked :slight_smile:

Similar changes are happening on most maps and you’re likely to see tweaks to this stuff over the next few patches.[/QUOTE]

you are not extending it, you are destroying it


(Smooth) #48


(zeroooo) #49

already posted it often enough, instead of streching each map to 16-20 minutes you should try to get them to 15 minutes down.

there are too many objectives, check out QW maps, or havent you ever played it?

in QW most maps had 3, MAX 4 obj. each map took around 10-15 minutes, which is perfect!

(tokamak) #50

I don’t care about map length but I do prefer to spend fighting longer over one objective than to keep hopping to new ones.

(Kl3ppy) #51

I played a couple of rounds and so far i like the new patch. The desert eagle is pure awesome.

I miss the melee attack on mouse3 somehow, was a nice feature :frowning:

(Dormamu) #52

When i play Engie, i get the strange feeling that i play the female counterpart of TF2 Scout… i think is the shotgun :smiley:

(Ads913) #53

Not played in a while then i played the new patch and wow.All i got to say is Dirty Bomb super splendid.Well done… Love the speed increase and the final shot graphics. Its shaping up nicely

(Samurai.) #54

So for this patch i thought i would approach my feedback differently, basically opening a notepad while first testing it out and noting down my point of view while experiencing the new changes… this is what i got:

General Patch Feedback

[li]Artwork on camden looks great, really cool to see and play a map in development like this.[/li][li]Deagle sounds really nice – except very hard to hear the hitsounds now (firing is pretty loud).[/li][li]Weapon lower/raise makes the game feel more responsive which is good.[/li][li]The added fence to the left of the EV at start of white chapel is also a nice addition, as is the re-working of the chapel layout – with the EV further back. [/li][li]Fixing the minimap bug is pretty handy.[/li][li]The new position/size of the guns is more appropriate now (mainly noticed Sniper Rifle).[/li][li]The new soldier class is pretty cool, I love the flashbang as they work really well, the AR (or smaller gun) seems pretty smooth and nice to play with and the LMG I prefer to the previous soldier but still I am not a big fan of these guns in general (High ammo clip/low accuracy/low mobility/high damage is not for me). [/li][li]The lights on the player definitely make it easier to spot people when I was running default cfg, although through my ‘low’ cfg they seem to have removed the “glow” from them (might play around to see if I can get them to come back). [/li][li]Removing the sway and breath control on the sniper is VERY nice (definitely wouldn’t want this to change), but didn’t really need a buff to body shot damage if I am honest. [/li][li]The FOPs airstrikes seem to be improving and the class is very useable now especially with the damage output on the main gun :eek: (is it too much?)[/li][li]Performance wise, I feel like im suffering lower FPS now in full servers, than I have been in previous patches not exactly sure why. (was in the range of 80-100FPS, now 60fpsish). [/li][/ul]

Improvements / My Suggestions:

[li]The soldier needs a smaller backpack to make a clearer model outline.[/li][li]Medic gun needs a small damage buff, medic vs soldier is such a struggle (irrelevant of the player in control of the soldier – requires so much effort/resources to kill them) and has become the least fun aspect for me right now playing this role. Also the damage gap between medic & fops gun is ridiculous![/li][li]Would like to see Ammo stations removed (or severely limited in function) and re-introduce gibbed bodies providing ammo, it provides an incentive to gib players, as well as rewards you for getting the kill. The patch before it got removed I felt was pretty balanced with the amount of ammo received, enough to kill 1 more person at most and therefore always on the “edge” of dieing. [/li][li]The crouch bug on the ramp in the white chapel is still around.[/li][li]The maximum rank still appears to be 39 (not that I care – just a reminder). [/li][li]Would like to see the default zoom level of the sniper rifle a bit further zoomed out due to the small size/close quarters of the current maps.[/li][li]The lights on the player need work with the location and glare of the light… I sometimes find it hard tracking a player when the crosshair is over the light (they blend together) - noticed when I was running a default cfg.[/li][li]Waterloo Terminus in regards to this new wall infront of the obj, I would like to see this changed to a kind of gate that can be hacked open by attackers/closed by defenders playing the recon class… can see it working as a way to expose the obj for airstrikes/snipers/nades once C4 is planted or for recons to offer a way to close it to provide cover for disarm. Edit: Maybe this wall could be linked with who has control over the forward spawns? - offers an incentive to cap, takes time to cap extending obj a little and would provide a reasonable advantage.[/li][li]In general would like to see recon specific objectives, I don’t really understand why the PDA objective’s aren’t converted to being only done via recon class. [/li][li]Camden Switches I would still like to see more cover around them, and a slower reset time/no reset if made recon only hack. [/li][li]Change this end game music, I think on LB it is most noticeable, where the intense music starts when there is still 10 mins left in the game and the EV is not at the end yet but its last obj. [/li][li]Add values to the awards tab at the end of rounds, so players can compare their stats to the leading stats on the server. [/li][li]Most Important: Add a spawn timer on the HUD for your own team. It’s hard to use the spawn times to proper benefit without knowing them right now (you push out on low times/become more defensive on high times – make tactical respawns when timer is on 0 – can’t achieve any of this right now).[/li][/ul]

Generally a very positive patch, and look forward to further changes.

(INF3RN0) #55


  • [li]Added fixed spawn times to Stopwatch mode
    This has been great so far. Spawning with my team really improves the team’s coordination in attacks/defense. I think some of the map layout is probably limiting this feature though.

London Bridge

  • [li]Blocked off several routes
    I only noticed the blocking at the end of the map. I think this was actually a good idea. It makes it much less confusing for a new player to know where they should be going.

    [li]Fixed some collision issues
    Did you also minimalize a lot of the world objects? I noticed that the mobile space was vastly improved, as well as certain objects resized to allow for smoother interaction with them. Keep this up because it’s working.

Waterloo Terminus

  • [li]Added second (optional) destructible wall to first objective area
    This wall isn’t really addressing the main issues with this particular objective. It’s going to take a more detailed post to explain what I think those issues are, but to summarize this particular obj:

    1. Defender’s post forward spawn is better than the previous.
    2. An aggressive defense is not very viable.
    3. The gas tunnel can’t be sabotaged.

    I’ll make a separate post on the map later with more details.


  • The overall layout is still too linear and the areas too confined. Most of this has already been addressed, but not sure how much it can be helped.

    -Fence at garage is somewhat confusing. You can still easily get from one side to the other by jumping over it. Defenders now just have faster access to it via the van jump.

    -Church outer layout seems to have made for some really offensively biased spawn camping.


  • [li]Continued art integration pass
    The art pass is simply awesome. Kudos to the team.

    [li]Added moveable cart to the first objective
    I really like the idea of this cart. I’d like to see how it effects this objective in scrims.

    I still find the map to have too many objectives and too few forward defensive chokes. Again it’s the layout of a single choke point directly in front of a highly exposed objective. Probably too far into development to do much there, but am hoping to see that change in future maps.


  • [li]Updated character skins to have more distinction between teams
    [/li][li]Added lights to players to see how it helps team identification & player visibility
    An interesting concept. I find the lights to be very distracting however and share similar issues as others have posted. I’d like to suggest testing simple clear contrasting color schemes next test phase if possible.

    [li]Added ‘shimmer’ effect to highlight objective items in levels
    Objectives are now easily identifiable and not in an overly distracting way. I like this feature.


  • [li]Slightly increased Sniper 01 damage
    [/li][li]Removed breath mechanic from scoping
    [/li][li]Reduced scope sway when moving, removed entirely when stationary
    I think that sniper body damage can be reduced with the other sway changes (maybe 55dmg). I’d also recommend adding separate hit boxes for the limbs with further damage reduction. Overall I like the changes there.

(rookie1) #56

•Added lights to players to see how it helps team identification & player visibility

I think Light shouldnt be near the head but lower at the arm,and reduce the glare its doing .
Right now its kind off covering the char head details its too bright imo
idk what it will do if doing it pulsing

(Volcano) #57

I dont even see these lights in my game so all these players are still hard to see

(Ashog) #58

I don’t agree with the sniper body damage being too high. Sniper is perfect now, apart from maybe initial zoom level that Samurai mentioned. Also give time to test the current balance.

The same goes to fieldops. I haven’t noticed any problems duelling with fops, imo he’s also okay. His gun mustn’t be a replica of medic’s.

Also medic SMG is okay, especially provided he can self-heal. The problem with killing a soldier in a duel is NOT a problem of medic gun, but of a soldier himself. IMO soldier has a bugged player model with strange & fluctuating backpack size, plus screwed head hitbox. Also higher HP is not making it easier to kill. Instead of fixing what isn’t broken (medic), i think SD needs to fix the soldier (and it’s not his guns that need to be fixed).

(Samurai.) #59

This is probably true, and should occur before tweaking the medic gun i guess, to see how responsible these components are to making soldier vs medic fights pretty terrible right now.

(Hundopercent) #60

Delete this post. I will report when I have more play/test time.