DIRTY BOMB UPDATE: Version 17963

(Evil-Doer) #21

The deagle sounds freaking epic!! more more more :slight_smile:

(Valdez) #22

Agreed, if you make all the gun sounds this good you are in business. Question though do you plan on having other players hear the same gun sound that the person firing hears??

(Dthy) #23

Feels really nice to play, the sniper’s alot more fun aswell!

(iwound) #24

My accurate assessment of a few hours play. “WHAT A FEELIN! :D” hope this helps.

i think i ridiculed the idea of lights on players but love them. really fit nicely in the whitechapel environment.

(Humate) #25

Sniper sounds interesting
/still downloading

(j4b) #26

As allways patches came when i’m not at home :slight_smile: cant wait to test ^^

(Bananas) #27

Changes sound good. Downloading now :smiley:

(nailzor) #28

I likes! Patch notes look like great additions and I say this without playing yet.

My one and only thingy I would like fixed in regards to them all would be:

“Dead player class icons are now correct in the scoreboard”

Opposing teams should not see if other players are dead :slight_smile:

Edit: As a match started I noticed right away the spawn waves which were great. As the round progressed I started to insta-spawn over and over, having no respawn time at all - over 10-15 times in a row (not just lucky timing).

(Karpax) #29

Feels a lot better, I hit much more. :slight_smile:

(Ashog) #30


Just have played half a dozen stopwatches and Canary.

This patch is simply GREAT.

Engie shotty and Covops rifle are perfect now - not too weak, not too overpowered. Thank you for those! Was so much fun sniping and dueling with other snipers! Still die a lot as sniper due to his higher idleness but also kill a lot. Remember had 2 maps in a row same result: 22 kills 22 deaths which tells me it’s consistent. After previous patch it was more like 3 kills 20 deaths. Not that I am a good sniper but it was frustrating. Now very much fun. No breath control and sway is just what was needed. Damage also ok now, headshot kills all but soldier which is how it should be.

Before I read the updates list I saw pigeons on the bridge of WC, this was one of the best things I ever saw :slight_smile: Very brave pigeons I must say though. Seems like famose London pigeons aren’t too much scared by grenade explosions :wink:
Haven’t seen rats yet tho.

Changes in WC layout are great - very intense a.nd fun fights near the chapel - more paths and space there, longer run with docs to EV - all that helped the gameplay, definitely. Same now imho needs to be done to LB docs run - place EV somewhere under bridge and allow longer docs run from research center.

Camden is just beautiful, was staring around at textures and boats for 1 map :slight_smile:

Haven’t got a chance to see Waterloo yet. Also need to check grenades damage more - thanks for the change anyways!

Command map workaround works nicely! No crashes on map change so far. Weapon lower and raise are great.

Spawnwaves work nicely - we had all of the SW matches very intense, balanced and very close. Last match on LB has ended practically in a draw - 1st match 1 team failed last escort objective in the middle, the 2nd swapped match 2nd team drove EV to the endpoint basically 2 seconds late of timelimit - when the map ended, the EV drove itself by inertia completely to the end wall :slight_smile: But game decided we didn’t make it :slight_smile:

This was the best patch evar now.

p.s. Yes, the eagle sound is sooooo juicy! :smiley: Love eet <3

(Evil-Doer) #31

What you did with the Medic is great Splash Damage. And again the deagle sound is just fabulous…really hope to see more improved sounds over time :slight_smile: Makes you actually feel good about shooting the gun just by the sound alone. The Double wall on waterloo is a interesting little tid bit an deff helps the offense. Look forward to playing with that more.

(INF3RN0) #32

It really does sound awesome. I feel like I’m blowing people’s heads off with a cannon now lol.

(pulley) #33

nice update.

In the next update i would like the game to get a lil bit faster. Strafing is such a pain atm.

(Hyperg) #34

Interesting changes with this patch, was really fun and intense yesterday on the servers. My thoughts on a couple of aspects:

  • The arty lock time decrease is TehShiznitz™ . Less frustration coming from blocked locks and possible to place it in the heat of battle, which really increased my interest of playing the fops for its ability rather than gun.

  • The player lights are an interesting solution, however I was continuously fighting with the impulse to track the light at first glance, rather than the head/body. It definitely improves the visibility of the players (somewhat detrimental to the ability of a cvops to stay in the shadows of the buildings, though) but for me it kindof messed with the player’s shape symmetry, given that light is on their shoulders / hip. It’s like driving down the road at dusk, when you suddenly see a “truck shape” around a curve but one of its lights is busted. You identify the shape and situation, but for the first moments you feel a bit confused. It might be just a matter of adjustment though.

  • I like the changes around the church in WC, it certainly makes the fight more intense there. Cue the “however” again xD : The Bank Robbery Manual (2nd Edition) will state that if you wanna snatch something from a building into the vehicle, you might wanna park your car as close as possible to your exit point, down the escape route. While the initial position of the EV was detrimental to the gameplay, it “made sense” from this perspective. The new one, not so much :). This is obviously no biggie though, if there’s more jumpin’ shootin’ there, it’s ok. It adds to the bag of trivia for the map, along with the ramp vs elevator debate xD.

  • Sniper is certainly a bit more “inline” with the rest of the team. Less gimmicky, more mobile and dangerous with the slight damage buff.

(tokamak) #35

Finally all the heated arguments have paid off.

(Anti) #36

Yea, as far as I’m aware we’re still discussing where they should be on the models, this version of them was added as an initial test.

(tokamak) #37

Haven’t tried it yet but by the sounds of it it’s perfect for team-mates only.

(Mustang) #38

Not a fan of the identification lights, really off-putting for aiming, still think the best way to go is complete skin colour themes and when you purchase a new item you get it in both skins.

(tokamak) #39

Well you don’t need to aim at team-mates. But maybe I should shut up until I’ve seen it for myself.

(spookify) #40

Skins/spread: If I am back raging which is what I am known for I have a very hard time finding the head. On some people I cant even see it at all. This also brings up the spread issue while running behind someone or multiple people. While running behind someone I want to down them ASAP and move onto the next person and the only way to do that now is stop and crouch! I would only get 3 or 4 hs with the medic weapon and people would start turning around that that player would still be up and my spread would be wack.

Can we base spread on amount of bullets shot only and not kicking into high gear when you move an inch?

I like Aiming