DIRTY BOMB UPDATE: Version 14502

(mortis) #21

It has always been that way for me…

(mortis) #22

After playing, movement is smoother despite the nominal framerate being lower. Still some awkwardness in jumping (strafejump, where have you gone?)

(Smooth) #23

These will come in the next update, just didn’t make it into the build this time around.

(murka) #24

Framerate does seem low but i can’t say for certain that it got lower with this patch. I will start to record the frametimes for every game i play to give better feedback on future patches and fps.
Right now fps is around 25-120 with an average of about 45.

(SinDonor) #25

I noticed that player movement was a bit jerkier in this new update. Seems like I was getting snagged on stuff a lot.

(DarkangelUK) #26


  • I cant see a s**t on the minimap, too much buildings everywhere so I simply dont look at it, but the icons on screens are enough to focus on the bjective I think[/QUOTE]

Same, looks too cluttered and I don’t think my colourblindness helps so I just don’t look at it.

(warbie) #27

Did anyone else experience wildly jumping frame rates since the update? Mine were rock solid pre update and all over the place after. I’ll reinstall drivers and try again tonight.

The fighting is certainly improved, it’s just over a bit too quick. 1 vs 1 encounters could do with going on for ~50% longer.

(EnderWiggin.DA.) #28

Notes on new patch:
-The movement is much better than before. No, it’s more fun! That said, I still don’t feel the strafe speed matches your forward sprint speed. When a player sprints they go fairly fast but the strafe speed feels slow in comparison. I think the same is true for jumping, especially non-sprint jumping. It’s as if you suddenly gain 40 pounds of weight and the contrast is disconcerting. At the game’s heart DB is an old school shooter but you haven’t made the final commitment in movement and gunplay to make it an old school shooter. C’mon. Put a ring on it and commit.
-Removal of player slowdown. I like it. I think this contributes to the first two sentences above.
-The shotgun seems useful now. I didn’t use it but I actually died from it a few times and in the previous patches if someone was carrying the shotgun it was basically a free kill. Looking forward to trying the shotty myself.
-Turrets didn’t seem to be as much as an issue although I noticed several times that I would shoot a turret until it stopped firing. Smoke was coming out the top of the turret but the machine didn’t fall over giving the impression that the turret was still active. Honestly, if you took turrets out of the game I wouldn’t complain. I abuse them as much as anybody but I think player vs player is more fun.
-Reduced delay coming out of sprint. I can’t say I consciously noticed it before, but maybe that’s why I had more fun last night?

(Mustang) #29

Regarding movement:

[li]Feels smoother and more responsive[/li][li]Forward speed (i.e. sprint) is fine, if anything a little too fast[/li][li]Strafe speed needs a bump[/li][LIST]
[li]Close encounters feel restricted and not fun[/li][li]Long distance targets are easy to pick off because they can’t avoid damage whilst scanning for source[/li][/ul]
[li]Similarly backwards speed needs a bump, preferably to the same speed as strafe[/li][li]Not responsive enough[/li][ul]
[li]Acceleration from stationary or from one direction to full speed in another takes forever, makes aiming frustrating as after pressing the movement key you have to physically wait for it to kick in until you can start moving the mouse otherwise you overshoot/lead your target by a lot[/li][li]Input lag for WASD could do with a small reduction, but I’d probably go with reducing the acceleration first and see if that works on it’s own[/li][li]Input lag for sprint is annoying and needs lowering[/li][/ul]
[li]Still needs some air control[/li][/LIST]

(murka) #30

Strafe speed does indeed feel quite slow compared to regular sprinting. It kinda gives the feeling of running around your enemy, jumping and only then aiming and shooting at enemy. Slightly like etqw on steroids. Strafe speed could use a bump but certainly not equal sprint speed. The delay of starting to move however could be reduced slightly. Does feel a bit sluggish and hard to strafe due to that.

The delay when doing objectives and switching to weapon has to go. Was using the pda on Waterloo and it took surely over a second to switch to a weapon, but it was clearly too late to defend myself.

My gut also says fps seems slightly more unstable. I did find 2 fps logs i recorded with fraps on 25.11 and they had 56-62fps average. Now it gives me 45fps average so i can confirm my gut feeling.

(tokamak) #31

Strafing feels slow because sprinting is so ridiculously fast.

While you’re playing it’s easy to feel that the boundaries need to be pushed more, but rarely do you take into account that this also means that your opponents will start strafing faster as well and before you know it you’re in this weird buzzing game where players fly through the maps and score random kills by spraying arbitrarily spraying around.

(shirosae) #32

I felt this too; I figured it was probably the addition of extra surrounding buildings and stuff on some maps.

I agree with the general sentiment: Movement is much better now the slowdown is gone. Strafing is still a touch slow, but I think lowering/removing the movement inertia delay thing is a good place to start.

Sprinting speed actually feels about right for the map size. It’s easy to miss people if you’re not paying attention, so sneaking behind the frontline during a distraction is actually really viable. If you get spotted you take a little damage, but you’re not pinned so it’s much more viable than it was. Liking the extra strategy.

Hipfire feels about right with movement, but I think the bloom on sustained fire needs to come down a bit, though I realise you want to make movement work properly first.

We’re going to need a ROF decrease before people stop taking Eng2 turrets to win. The only way to fight it is to play it and position your turrets better, because kills are too quick and it’s easier to stun other Eng2 players with them than try to restrict yourself to safe spots. If you nerf turrets now, they’ll need buffed again if ROF does come down. I do think turrets should have a bigger hitbox; right now it only takes a couple of shots to knock them down, but hitting them can be a pain if you’re near the edge of firing range. I’d much rather spend 5 bullets consistently to put them down than spend 3-15 bullets depending on what angle I’m shooting from.

We also really need synchronised respawns; the time taken to get to the frontline is so low that there’s a continual stream of players running from spawn to objective. The game works well with pushes, and its possible to hold back and group together manually, but the temptation is always to get into a forward position to avoid spawn camping.

(warbie) #33

Me thinks you didn’t play RTCW or ET enough, tokamak :wink: No random spraying going on there.

(Senethro) #34

I’d be interested to know why people think rof should be lowered. Like, what is happening in the current fights that makes you think this is wrong or able to be improved. It’s kind of turning into a mantra.

(murka) #35

Firefights end too quickly and headshots are too frequent. I suspect that a more constant stream of shots makes hitting the head/target easier. Also the high ROF burns through the clip quickly so it’s like 1 clip per kill.
Could be interesting to try a “high rof and low dmg while keeping the dps the same” model in a tried and tested game like w:et and etqw to see how it affects hit ability.

(shirosae) #36

First to shoot wins, go hide in the bushes and wait for someone to not see you gameplay. Fights are over so quickly that it’s actually faster than some player’s latencies.

Though it’s less prominent now the movement got a lot fixed, yay.

ROF down is probably the simplest fix.

(Senethro) #37

What actions do you want players to have performed to have had a satisfactory firefight?

and headshots are too frequent. I suspect that a more constant stream of shots makes hitting the head/target easier.

In the sense that more bullets/second makes for more consistent damage, perhaps. If a player has their crosshair over a dudes head 50% of the time, then more bullets/second means that its less likely this 50% will be all those little moments where no shooting is happening. But consistency is good, it means that the fight is less lucky. Do you mean that the head hitbox is too big if headshotting is too easy?

Also the high ROF burns through the clip quickly so it’s like 1 clip per kill.

Uhhhh, maybe if you’re missing a whole bunch. 30*20 damage = 600 damage, enough to kill a player 6 times over. I suspect you’re exaggerating a little.

Could be interesting to try a “high rof and low dmg while keeping the dps the same” model in a tried and tested game like w:et and etqw to see how it affects hit ability.

Didn’t assault rifle tend to beat lacerator?

I’m amazed you’ve been able to hide in a bush what with all the turrets already in there. In fact I’m kind of suspicious that turrets in general have been making gameplayer more static and think we should be seeing what life without them being OP is like first. I haven’t thought the gameplay was campy at all. Some bad chokepoints getting spammed in Whitechape maybe, but not dudes hiding in corners static.

Fights are over so quickly that it’s actually faster than some player’s latencies.

Given that many of the latencies we’ve been playing with are much less than that of the human response time to an unexpected stimulus, I find that stretching belief. There was a game where Inferno was pre-aiming my head using a heartbeat sensor and executing me apparently instantly as I came around a corner. My immediate response was OMGHAX. Are you sure that something similar is not colouring your experience?

(acQu) #38

The movement feels very good now, not perfect, but less restrictive.

Crouch speed could be increased a tiny bit.

Also i am not too fond of the slowdown while reloading.

(amazinglarry) #39

Maybe a little exaggeration… but the ROF is high enough that if you miss for a second or two while readjusting in a firefight, you burn through quite a few rounds.

(shirosae) #40

Yes, I spent loads of time just planting turrets in those Camden bushes and sitting in another bush and shooting the faces off people looking at my turret before they had any time to notice me because they were dying so quickly. And I did it because on Camden you really need to hold that bush spot and that’s by far the easiest way to do it. Inferno was doing it, and my aim doesn’t match his let alone beat it, so that was the only way for me to hold that ground. It’s degenerate, and that’s a problem.

If you want to try turning turrets off for a while to see how the game plays, I’m up for that. I’d also like to try testing with turrets on and ROF down. And with turrets off and ROF down. And with loads of other things that make the game more/less ET like.

Pre-patch Waterloo almost always had defence camping the room next to the wall objective, camping the room above the wall objective, and trying to hold the hotel room thingy across the courtyard from the objective, and usually the top of the subway station. The latter two were less campy than the former 'cause of the alternate routes in.

It’s much better now, because you can’t just pin people running out in the open down so easily.

Most EU players are sitting on 20-70 ping. The Americans are running 150-300 ish. Human reflex time is 200-250 on average.

This has been happening. The sound of the first shot comes with incap. At the time I was kinda assuming that some guns had 100hp+ damage on a headshot, but it seems more likely that it was this cause it was always the laggier players, and it was happening sometimes through walls that I’d just ducked behind.

I think that if firefights are so short that the game’s antilag sometimes can’t keep up, it might be a problem worth looking at. Even if - shock horror - the result is slightly more ET-like.