I found myself with this idea for competitive based off features in other popular games and I think it would be pretty nice to have in Dirty Bomb, as it will make it a bit more competitive in my eyes whilst making it harder to play competitively also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJRMlC5a-NM
Dirty Bomb New Competitive Feature Idea!
If they would implement something like that they should also remove the comp mission because a lot of people including me only play comp because of those missions. and what happens if your engie is bad or your medic is bad. sometimes I play better as a sniper and kill many enemies but when the team cant do their job I change to proxy and repair the ev. I cant repair the ev as a sniper and if my engie is bad I cant teach him how to sneak to the ev in less than 1 min that is if he wants to listen. Replacing the comp mission is a good idea to fix this since you would have less random people playing it and more actual teams or people who want to play comp.