Dirty bomb for Mac

(Gene L) #1

I only have an access to a macbook pro so it would be cool if dirty bomb was on mac. I do not have any doubts that a mac can run dirty bomb

(Runeforce) #2

While we’re at it, how about System V and Plan 9 support? :smiley:


There are no plans on distributing Dirty Bomb to platforms other than Windows so I would not hold my breath on that.

(Nail) #4

you could prolly install Win 7 and DB on an external SSD, job done if your onboard vid could handle it

(D'@athi) #5

Surely not as exotic as @Runeforce, but I’d like some linux opengl- open-source-version?! Happening !!!oneoneoneeleven?! As Mac-Os is unix, shouldn’t take to much changes :stuck_out_tongue: ducks and takes cover

(K1X455) #6

Mac ain’t a good platform to play Dirty Bomb.

If you’re keen, save the $ buy a semi-decent PC. I’ve re-built a 2nd hand for under Au$300 and it runs DB @ 60~120fps using i5 Win7 and 16GB DDR3 RAM.