Difference between Quake 3 and Wolf: ET BSP

(Indloon) #1


I was wondering if anyone has information about what are differences between Quake 3 and Wolf:ET BSP file data?

In Quake 3 it looks like this - http://www.mralligator.com/q3/

But what about Wolf: ET? Did anything change like lightmaps lump number or magic number in header?


(Mateos) #2

Light maps are different I think, version number too, and supports more shader/compiler instructions, but I can’t give sources ^^’

You better join Radiant IRC, you have knowledgeable people there (like Ensiform)

(Indloon) #3

Yes, version number is 47 for Enemy Territory while for Quake 3 it is 46.

Also, Enemy Territory supports up to 1024 vertices per renderable surface and up to 2048 triangles. This is up from 1000 vertices per surface in Quake 3 or RTCW, and up from 64 vertices on lightmapped surfaces.

The problem is with lightmaps because Enemy Territory supports external lightmaps and thus the lump reading of that part is a bit tricky it seems.

We will see.

(diaboliksmart) #4

Hi, maybe look into this map http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=4283 it is a Quake3 map re-worked for ET.
Une tuerie !

(Eugeny) #5

Can take the ET source code and replace the version number of the BSP

(twt_thunder) #6

wasnt there an etgold or something that read both?

(Indloon) #7

Those who look at the differences between Quake 3’s and Wolf:ET’s BSP format, look up previous replies.

Now, it has been more than 2 years when dabbling in this so here is a screenshot of map called Pilsner that has been rendered in browser by using WebGL.

This is with lightmaps disabled (due them being external in Wolf:ET) and shaders missing although shader parsing is there and works well with Quake 3 maps.

Note, there is problem with rendering big maps like Oasis or these kind and there seems to be error in parsing vertices that get processed in web worker. However, this does not happen with small maps like Pilsner.

The code can be found here - https://github.com/Genert/bsp-viewer

However, I have not added instructions for running it locally as game files are not public in repository thus making it impossible to run it. Perhaps will fix this.

(Mateos) #8

May as well take a look at this:

The ReadMe.md includes a link to a live demo.