DB Community Servers - Documentation


Dirty Bomb Dedicated Server - Configuration

So, you’re running a Dirty Bomb server on i3D.net? Presumably, you’d like to customise your Dirty Bomb Server to something a bit more specific than the defaults.

The majority of settings can be configured in a file called ServerConfiguration.json. By editing this file, you will be able to edit things like:

  • Game Mode: Objective, Stopwatch or Execution.
  • Map Rotation: Don’t like Chapel? Switch it off.
  • Friendly-Fire: Because being teamkilled by Proxy is fun.

What is JSON?

JSON is short for “JavaScript Object Notation”. It’s a format that allows you to specify “keys” and “values”, and also be able to nest lists whilst still being human-readable.

There’s just one small “gotcha”. JSON doesn’t (natively) support comments. So you’ll want to keep backups of your configuration if you want to experiment with switching things off.

Why don’t you just give us boxes to fill in?

When we were doing hosting through Multiplay, their control panel had been heavily customised to allow us to fill in boxes to configure game settings in Dirty Bomb. We do not have this option with i3D.net. However, the trade-off here is that you can now easily backup and share your configurations with the community.

Available Settings

Here are the available settings that you can configure:

Setting Name Description Values
AdminLevel1Password Sets the password used to log in as a “power user”. Cannot contain spaces. Text Entry
AdminLevel2Password We recommend that you don’t use this - use AdminPassword instead. Text Entry
AdminPassword Sets the password used to log in as an admin. Cannot contain spaces. Text Entry
AllowQuickJoin Set this to true to make your server joinable via Quick Join. True/False
AutoSurrenderEnabled If enabled, the game will automatically surrender if an entire team disconnects from the server. True/False
BadgesEnabled Allows players to unlock badges while playing on the server. Leave this “true”. True/False
CountdownDuration Sets the countdown (in seconds) until match start once all players are “READY”. Integer (Seconds)
DemoPrefix Sets the prefix of demo files. Text Entry
FeaturedMap If set, this map will always be available for players to vote on when in the Lobby. Map Object
FixedWarmupDuration Sets the fixed warm-up duration (in seconds). Integer (Seconds)
FreeDefenseRespawn Grants the defending team an instant respawn when the attackers complete an objective. 0 = Off, 1 = Objective Mode, 2 = All Modes Integer (0-2)
FriendlyFireEnabled Enables friendly-fire on the server. True/False
GameDifficulty This setting is not used. Decimal
GamePassword Sets a password to join the server. Cannot contain spaces. Leave blank to disable. Text Entry
GameReviewDuration Sets the duration (in seconds) of the post-match summary screen at the end of a game. Integer (Seconds)
KillLimit This setting is not used. Leave this set to 0. Integer
LobbyLockInDuration The duration (in seconds) that players get to select their mercenaries in the Server Lobby. Integer
LobbyMapVotingEnabled This enables map voting on your server. Disable this to rotate through the maps sequentially. True/False
LobbyMapVotingTime The duration (in seconds) that players are allowed to vote on the next map. Integer (Seconds)
LobbyReadyPercent The percentage of the Lobby that should be “READY” if LobbyReadyUpGameStartEnabled is set to true. Integer (0-100)
LobbyReadyUpGameStartEnabled If enabled, this removes the lobby timer and only starts the match once LobbyReadyPercent is reached. True/False
LobbyTime The duration (in seconds) that players stay in the lobby after the voting phase. Integer (Seconds)
MaxAccountLevelLock The maximum account level permitted to join the server. Set to 0 to disable Integer
MaxPlayers The maximum number of players allowed to join the server. (Including Spectators) Integer (1-16)
MercStackingPenalties Applies increased ability cooldowns when a team has more than one of the same mercenary in play. True/False
MidGameReviewDuration The duration (in seconds) to show the mid-game summary screen. Only for Stopwatch matches. Integer (Seconds)
MinAccountLevelLock The minimum account level permitted to join the server. Set to 0 to disable Integer
MinPlayers The minimum number of players required to start the game. Integer (1-16)
MOTDLong A long MOTD (Message Of The Day). Useful for displaying community rules or custom server settings. Text Entry
MOTDShort A short MOTD (Message Of The Day). Useful for displaying community rules or custom server settings. Text Entry
PingLimit The maximum permitted ping before a player is kicked from the server. Integer
PingLimitGracePeriod The grace period (in seconds) a player is allowed to exceed the ping limit before being kicked. Integer (1-120)
ProgressionSystemEnabled Not used. Leave this set to 0. Integer
ReadyPercent The perecentage of players that need to be “READY” before the match will start. Integer (0-100)
ReservedPlayerSlots The number of slots to reserve for players who have the reserved slot password. Integer (0-16)
ReservedSlotPassword The password to join a reserved slot. Text Entry
RotatingMaps A list of maps and gamemodes to use in rotation. List of Map Objects
RoundLimit The number of rounds to play when in the Execution Game Mode. Integer
ServerName The name displayed on the server list. Text Entry
SpectateOtherTeamProhibited If true, prevents players from spectating the other team. True/False
SpectateWhileDeadProhibited If true, prevents players from spectating whilst dead. True/False
TeamBalanceEnabled If true, prevents players from freely switching teams to avoid an imbalance. True/False
TeamBalanceOnMatchStart If true, forces a team shuffle on the match start. True/False
TimeLimit If set, overrides the time limit on the map. Integer
VoteKickEnabled If true, allows players to initiate votes to kick other players. True/False
VoteKickPassPercent Percentage of players that must vote “yes” for a votekick to succeed. Integer (0-100)
VotePauseEnabled If true, allows players to initiate a vote to temporarily pause the match. True/False
VotePausePassPercent Percentage of players that must vote “yes” for a pause vote to succeed. Integer (0-100)
VoteRestartMapEnabled If true, allows players to initiate a vote to restart the map. True/False
VoteRestartMapPassPercent Percentage of players that must vote “yes” for a restart vote to succeed. Integer (0-100)
VoteRestartMapTime The duration (in seconds) after the start of the game that the restart option will be available for. True/False
VoteShuffleEnabled If true, allows players to initiate a vote to shuffle all players. True/False
VoteShufflePassPercent Percentage of players that must vote “yes” for a shuffle vote to succeed. Integer (0-100)
VoteSurrenderDelay The duration (in seconds) after the start of the game that the surrender option Integer (seconds)
VoteSurrenderEnabled If true, allows players to initiate a vote to surrender the match. True/False
VoteSurrenderPassPercent Percentage of players that must vote “yes” for a vote surrender to succeed. Integer (0-100)
VSayEnabled If false, prevents players from using the V-say voice prompts. True/False

Don’t break your agreement…

Your agreement with i3D.net may influence some of the settings you change. For example:

  • Game Password: i3D.net may offer different pricing or different terms for “private” or “passworded” servers. You may be expected to set a password if your agreement is for “private” hosting.
  • Max Players: Set this no higher than the number you have agreed with i3D.net - if exceeded, they may suspend or terminate your service.
  • Server Name: If your agreement with i3D.net is “branded” or “sponsored”, you may be required to display “hosted by i3D.net” unobscured and unobfusacted. If this is not displayed, they may suspend or terminate your service.

Make sure when you tinker with your server settings that you don’t break your agreement with your game server provider!


Here are the available maps and gamemode configurations to choose from:

Execution Maps
        "Map": "EXE_Canal",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution"
        "Map": "EXE_Gallery",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution"
        "Map": "EXE_Overground",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution"
Objective Maps
        "Map": "OBJ_Bridge",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
        "Map": "OBJ_Castle",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
        "Map": "OBJ_CanaryWharf",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
        "Map": "OBJ_Dockyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
        "Map": "OBJ_DomeRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
        "Map": "OBJ_Heist",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
        "Map": "OBJ_TerminalRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
        "Map": "OBJ_Trainyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
        "Map": "OBJ_Whitechapel",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
Stopwatch Maps
        "Map": "OBJ_Bridge",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
        "Map": "OBJ_Castle",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
        "Map": "OBJ_CanaryWharf",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
        "Map": "OBJ_Dockyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
        "Map": "OBJ_DomeRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
        "Map": "OBJ_Heist",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
        "Map": "OBJ_TerminalRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
        "Map": "OBJ_Trainyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
        "Map": "OBJ_Whitechapel",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"

You can mix-and-match Execution, Objective and Stopwatch maps into your rotation if you wish and allow democracy to decide whether to play Execution or Objective.

Otherwise, if you only want to cycle the maps in one gamemode, you can simply copy-and-paste one of the above lists into your RotatingMaps key.


If you’re having issues getting your custom configuration working as you’d expect it, then make sure your JSON is valid. It may make things easier if you use an editor such as Visual Studio Code to edit your JSON file and format it for easier reading. You can also run your configuration through JSONLint to help you find any mistakes.

In particular, you will want to look for these common mistakes:

  • Missing commas. Each “key”:“value” pair needs to be separated by a comma. JSON itself doesn’t care about spaces or line breaks - these only exist to make JSON easier for us humans to read.
  • Too many commas. Having a trailing comma at the end of a list of JSON objects can also cause your JSON to break. Run your JSON file through JSONLint to confirm that this is the problem.
  • Mixed or mis-matching “Quotation marks”. Try to avoid using text editors like Microsoft Word, as they tend to substitute straight double quotes (") for opening/closing quotes (“ and ”), which will cause issues.
  • Invalid setting names. Wrong setting names (or spelling errors) may cause crashes or unexpected behaviour.
  • Invalid setting combinations. Certain combinations of settings might not be usable together. If your server suddenly stops working, roll back your settings or revert to a default config, and then re-introduce your changes gradually until you find the culprit.

Example Configs

Here are some example configurations that you can copy-paste and modify for your own purposes. Word of warning: change the Admin Password!

Standard Configuration

This is a fairly standard configuration using Objective Mode only.

Standard Config
    "AdminPassword": "thisisasecret",
    "AutoSurrenderEnabled": false,
    "AllowQuickJoin": true,
    "BadgesEnabled": true,
    "CountdownDuration": 20,
    "DemoPrefix": "",
    "FixedWarmupDuration": 20,
    "FriendlyFireEnabled": true,
    "GameDifficulty": "1.0",
    "GamePassword": "",
    "GameReviewDuration": 20,
    "KillLimit": 0,
    "LobbyLockInDuration": 25,
    "LobbyMapVotingEnabled": true,
    "LobbyMapVotingTime": 15,
    "LobbyReadyPercent": 100,
    "LobbyReadyUpGameStartEnabled": false,
    "MaxAccountLevelLock": 0,
    "MaxPlayers": 10,
    "MercStackingPenalties": false,
    "MidGameReviewDuration": 20,
    "MinAccountLevelLock": 0,
    "MinPlayers": 1,
    "PingLimit": 150,
    "PingLimitGracePeriod": 120,
    "ProgressionSystemEnabled": false,
    "RoundLimit": 11,
    "ReadyPercent": 100,
    "ServerName": "Dirty Bomb Server hosted by i3D.net",
    "SpectateOtherTeamProhibited": true,
    "SpectateWhileDeadProhibited": false,
    "TeamBalanceEnabled": true,
    "TeamBalanceOnMatchStart": true,
    "VSayEnabled": true,
    "VoteKickEnabled": true,
    "VoteKickPassPercent": 61,
    "VotePauseEnabled": false,
    "VotePausePassPercent": 61,
    "VoteRestartMapEnabled": false,
    "VoteRestartMapTime": 180,
    "VoteRestartMapPassPercent": 61,
    "VoteShuffleEnabled": true,
    "VoteShufflePassPercent": 51,
    "VoteSurrenderEnabled": false,
    "VoteSurrenderDelay": 180,
    "VoteSurrenderPassPercent": 100,
    "FeaturedMap": "",
    "RotatingMaps": [{
        "Map": "OBJ_Heist",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Dockyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Whitechapel",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Trainyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_CanaryWharf",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Bridge",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_DomeRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Castle",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_TerminalRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"

Execution Configuration

This is basically the same standard configuration, except with an Execution-only map rotation.

Execution Config
    "AdminPassword": "thisisasecret",
    "AutoSurrenderEnabled": false,
    "BadgesEnabled": true,
    "CountdownDuration": 20,
    "DemoPrefix": "",
    "FixedWarmupDuration": 20,
    "FriendlyFireEnabled": true,
    "GameDifficulty": "1.0",
    "GamePassword": "",
    "GameReviewDuration": 20,
    "KillLimit": 0,
    "LobbyLockInDuration": 25,
    "LobbyMapVotingEnabled": true,
    "LobbyMapVotingTime": 15,
    "LobbyReadyPercent": 100,
    "LobbyReadyUpGameStartEnabled": false,
    "MaxAccountLevelLock": 0,
    "MaxPlayers": 10,
    "MercStackingPenalties": false,
    "MidGameReviewDuration": 20,
    "MinAccountLevelLock": 0,
    "MinPlayers": 1,
    "PingLimit": 150,
    "PingLimitGracePeriod": 120,
    "ProgressionSystemEnabled": false,
    "RoundLimit": 11,
    "ReadyPercent": 100,
    "ServerName": "DB Execution Server hosted by i3D.net",
    "SpectateOtherTeamProhibited": true,
    "SpectateWhileDeadProhibited": false,
    "TeamBalanceEnabled": true,
    "TeamBalanceOnMatchStart": true,
    "VSayEnabled": true,
    "VoteKickEnabled": true,
    "VoteKickPassPercent": 61,
    "VotePauseEnabled": false,
    "VotePausePassPercent": 61,
    "VoteRestartMapEnabled": false,
    "VoteRestartMapTime": 180,
    "VoteRestartMapPassPercent": 61,
    "VoteShuffleEnabled": true,
    "VoteShufflePassPercent": 51,
    "VoteSurrenderEnabled": false,
    "VoteSurrenderDelay": 180,
    "VoteSurrenderPassPercent": 100,
    "FeaturedMap": "",
    "RotatingMaps": [{
        "Map": "EXE_Canal",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution"
        "Map": "EXE_Gallery",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution"
        "Map": "EXE_Overground",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution"

Tournament Configuration

A tourmanent configuration will replace rapid lobby timers for a setup that waits for players to be “ready”. This config demonstrates the following changes:

  • Min/Max players are set to “10” for a 5-per-side
  • A password is required to join the server.
  • Longer map voting and merc “lock-in” times in the server lobby.
  • The game will only start once all players are ready.
  • Surrendering is enabled after 5 minutes. Shuffling is disabled.

This configuration can obviously be adjusted to better fit the requirements of any tournaments or scrims that you wish to run.

Tournament Config
    "AdminPassword": "thisisasecret",
    "AutoSurrenderEnabled": true,
    "BadgesEnabled": true,
    "CountdownDuration": 30,
    "DemoPrefix": "",
    "FixedWarmupDuration": 60,
    "FriendlyFireEnabled": true,
    "GameDifficulty": "1.0",
    "GamePassword": "majorleaguegamers",
    "GameReviewDuration": 30,
    "KillLimit": 0,
    "LobbyLockInDuration": 60,
    "LobbyMapVotingEnabled": true,
    "LobbyMapVotingTime": 30,
    "LobbyReadyPercent": 100,
    "LobbyReadyUpGameStartEnabled": true,
    "MaxAccountLevelLock": 0,
    "MaxPlayers": 10,
    "MercStackingPenalties": true,
    "MidGameReviewDuration": 20,
    "MinAccountLevelLock": 0,
    "MinPlayers": 10,
    "PingLimit": 150,
    "PingLimitGracePeriod": 120,
    "ProgressionSystemEnabled": false,
    "RoundLimit": 11,
    "ReadyPercent": 100,
    "ServerName": "Dirty Bomb Tournament Server hosted by i3D.net",
    "SpectateOtherTeamProhibited": true,
    "SpectateWhileDeadProhibited": true,
    "TeamBalanceEnabled": false,
    "TeamBalanceOnMatchStart": false,
    "VSayEnabled": true,
    "VoteKickEnabled": false,
    "VoteKickPassPercent": 61,
    "VotePauseEnabled": true,
    "VotePausePassPercent": 61,
    "VoteRestartMapEnabled": true,
    "VoteRestartMapTime": 180,
    "VoteRestartMapPassPercent": 61,
    "VoteShuffleEnabled": false,
    "VoteShufflePassPercent": 51,
    "VoteSurrenderEnabled": true,
    "VoteSurrenderDelay": 300,
    "VoteSurrenderPassPercent": 100,
    "FeaturedMap": "",
    "RotatingMaps": [{
        "Map": "OBJ_Heist",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Dockyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Whitechapel",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Trainyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_CanaryWharf",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Bridge",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_DomeRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Castle",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_TerminalRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoStopWatch"

Reserved Slots

This is a minor adjustment to the Standard Config with support for reserved slots. You might use this to reserve a slot for your server admins.

Standard Config w/ Reserved Slots
    "AdminPassword": "thisisasecret",
    "AutoSurrenderEnabled": false,
    "BadgesEnabled": true,
    "CountdownDuration": 20,
    "DemoPrefix": "",
    "FixedWarmupDuration": 20,
    "FriendlyFireEnabled": true,
    "GameDifficulty": "1.0",
    "GamePassword": "",
    "GameReviewDuration": 20,
    "KillLimit": 0,
    "LobbyLockInDuration": 25,
    "LobbyMapVotingEnabled": true,
    "LobbyMapVotingTime": 15,
    "LobbyReadyPercent": 100,
    "LobbyReadyUpGameStartEnabled": false,
    "MaxAccountLevelLock": 0,
    "MaxPlayers": 10,
    "MercStackingPenalties": false,
    "MidGameReviewDuration": 20,
    "MinAccountLevelLock": 0,
    "MinPlayers": 1,
    "PingLimit": 150,
    "PingLimitGracePeriod": 120,
    "ProgressionSystemEnabled": false,
    "RoundLimit": 11,
    "ReadyPercent": 100,
    "ReservedPlayerSlots": 1,
    "ReservedSlotPassword": "clanmembersonly",
    "ServerName": "Dirty Bomb Server hosted by i3D.net",
    "SpectateOtherTeamProhibited": true,
    "SpectateWhileDeadProhibited": false,
    "TeamBalanceEnabled": true,
    "TeamBalanceOnMatchStart": true,
    "VSayEnabled": true,
    "VoteKickEnabled": true,
    "VoteKickPassPercent": 61,
    "VotePauseEnabled": false,
    "VotePausePassPercent": 61,
    "VoteRestartMapEnabled": false,
    "VoteRestartMapTime": 180,
    "VoteRestartMapPassPercent": 61,
    "VoteShuffleEnabled": true,
    "VoteShufflePassPercent": 51,
    "VoteSurrenderEnabled": false,
    "VoteSurrenderDelay": 180,
    "VoteSurrenderPassPercent": 100,
    "FeaturedMap": "",
    "RotatingMaps": [{
        "Map": "OBJ_Heist",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Dockyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Whitechapel",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Trainyard",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_CanaryWharf",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Bridge",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_DomeRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_Castle",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"
    }, {
        "Map": "OBJ_TerminalRedux",
        "GameMode": "ShooterGame.SGGameInfoObjective"

Other Configurations?

If you come up with any other interesting configurations, or you have any ideas on how to improve the existing ones, then please do share with us.

Respawn time on a server. Can be altered?


16th December 2019: Added a previously undocumented AllowQuickJoin setting to the documentation.

(47 Fame) #4

No Old Terminal?


I’m afraid not, as the original Terminal is no longer part of the game build. A lot of resources in Terminal Redux were modified from the original Terminal. Which means if we re-added “OBJ_Victoria”, AKA “Terminal Classic” in its current state, the map would be unusuable. In order to un-couple those resources and fix the original, we’d need to put in some not-unsignificant dev time.

I myself have fond memories of Terminal Classic, especially when you’d have one of those rare moments where as the defense, you were able to push back on the first objective and re-take the spawn beacon. Even if that victory only lasted for a few minutes!

(47 Fame) #6

Sad, but understanda​:b:️le :frowning: Have a nice day!

(Mc1412013) #7

Can u guys atleast consider doing it as a side project during down time even if we didnt get it for while. small suprise updates would be be apreciated.

Come one u knownu guys still want to add to this game.

we know u got some one hiding in the broom closest working on db :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Not asking for huge things but rather small things when devs need that mental break for the big projects

Also @jemstar i know u looking for this thread too

(ASD) #8

great! this is what we have waiting for since you gave us com. servers.

this seems to not work on stopwatch… correct?


(Mc1412013) #9

Wait we set obj to to longer than 15 min???

(ASD) #10

I found i3d uses AdminPassword in their config while mulitplay did it with AdminLevel1Password
is this maybe the reason why bans didnt work in the past(with mulitplay)?
haven’t a reason to try a ban on my i3d server right now
ok also on i3d ban is NOT working … its only a kick until map end :frowning:

(Mc1412013) #11

I wasnt able to perma ban any one on multiplay servers either

(Monibo) #12

Can I prohibit players from using certain Mercs?

(K1X455) #13

Would be great if you include Ranked Post match screens

(Not Trolling) #14

Have tried the default Execution config but for some reason Market doesn’t come up as an option on map voting.

(Mc1412013) #15

@NotTrolling use this

“RotatingMaps”:[{“Map”: “EXE_Gallery”, “GameMode”: “ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution”},{“Map”: “EXE_canal”, “GameMode”: “ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution”},{“Map”: “EXE_Overground”, “GameMode”: “ShooterGame.SGGameInfoExecution”}]

They put exe_market but its listed as exe_canal in the game files

@Maisy might wanna fix that in the default execution section of the post

(Not Trolling) #16

Thanks, forgot about that.

(Jackjohns0n) #17

I have a HomeLab setup in my apartment and I locally host servers for a few other games (counter-strike source servers, miscreated servers, etc. etc. etc.) Do you think it will ever be possible for us to locally host our own servers?


Whoops, that was my fault. I’ve updated the lists - Market should work now.

(Nail) #19


(DarkSera) #20

Sry i have try to make a server (over i3D config) with both modes… if i have only one gamemode in my rotation i have no problems…
if i put one or more maps from the other mode in my rotationlist… we can only play objective!

yes we can see in our votelist execution… but after the lobby time the last objective map loading…

what can i do?

(Mc1412013) #21

Reboot server a few times theres a glitch with multi modes.

It happens on multiplay servers too for those of us who were lucky enough to get one before they stopped offering rentals