Daily Reward Reset Time Changed?


Hello all,

Just wanted to ask if anyone else noticed this. At least for me, in US Eastern Daylight time zone, the daily reward reset was at about 1 AM every morning. But I logged on today, and now the reset time is 21:00/9 PM EDT, and I lost my streak. Anyone else see this? And @stayfreshshoe and all of the other SD staff, is this going to continue to happen? After all, the reset time got changed before.



(neverplayseriou) #2

The daily rewards are extremely buggy, last mk case just gets skipped from time to time.

(FalC_16) #3

Daily rewards refresh is triggered by the user by completing a match at the beginning of the first day out of seven.


@FalC_16 said:
Daily rewards refresh is triggered by the user by completing a match at the beginning of the first day out of seven.
I don’t think you quite understand what I’m saying, or Splash Damage changed the system. Every day, there is a certain time/deadline by which you must play one match. Otherwise, your streak gets reset. For me, it was around 1:00 AM EDT for the past few weeks, but yesterday it changed to 21:00/9:00 PM EDT. Have you noticed this happening?

(ThePigVomit) #5

Yes it resets if you are logged in and playing when the clock rolls over. It has been that way from the beginning.

When this method first started I logged on and played my first match at 6 am Pacific. Each week if I logged in prior to the reset then once the clock rolled an I played my match the clock would reset to when the reward was awarded.

That happened until I was unable to get my game on prior to starting my workday. It reset to around noon Pacific last weekend as I was able to play and claim my mk4 on Saturday at that time. The clock roll has stayed there since. I’ll update with the reset revision in 2 days once my reward week is up.


@ThePigVomit said:
Yes it resets if you are logged in and playing when the clock rolls over. It has been that way from the beginning.

When this method first started I logged on and played my first match at 6 am Pacific. Each week if I logged in prior to the reset then once the clock rolled an I played my match the clock would reset to when the reward was awarded.

That happened until I was unable to get my game on prior to starting my workday. It reset to around noon Pacific last weekend as I was able to play and claim my mk4 on Saturday at that time. The clock roll has stayed there since. I’ll update with the reset revision in 2 days once my reward week is up.

No; what I’m saying is that when it resets changed, or at least it did for me.

(ThePigVomit) #7

Yes, saying the same thing.

The reset time changes if you are ingame when the clock rolls to the next period.