cyborgrommel - now known as Abba Bura Raj is at it again...

(poit187) #1

Nexon/SD took 6 months to take action against these two… and their punishment? 1 week ban… they are BOTH at it again. Abusing players over mic chat, vote kicking, been toxic in general…

I have come to the conclusion that Nexon/SD must like toxic players in their game… even though it doesn’t make sense from a business point of view… as these toxic players drive new players away from the game, but they just don’t seem to care.

My latest encounter with Abba Bura Raj (cyborgrommel)

The only action I can be sure of is this ticket been closed/deleted and nothing at all happens to the toxic individuals that are making life hell for other players… go ahead… close/lock/delete… do what ever to this thread… why don’t you have a think about it… think… you guys are making a great game and you ARE losing money from people like this… its not hard to understand this.

Break down of how this works because its quite possible you don’t in fact understand how damaging people like this are to your brand/game/company.

1: New player downloads, installs and runs Dirty Bomb - yay they are excited… looks like an awesome game.
2: They join a lobby and get into a game
3: They get abused and vote kicked for being “AFK”
4: New player gets annoyed, closes game, uninstalls it

Two things come out of this, 1: They will NEVER give you money from buying stuff in the game store… NEVER and 2: They will tell their friends to stay away because of the toxic community… so not only have you lost the potential income from this player, but all his friends too… Great job Nexon/SD… doing a bang up job losing money!

Or you know… you could just perm ban these people and keep your reputation and income flow! Dunno about you… but this seems like a better option don’t you think.

*also posted on Reddit

(Madonna_) #2

They have everything they need to ban these guys permanently, why not doing it? Deleting their high lvl account will make em learn about how to behave in online games

(Sithas) #3

The chance nexon gives them a perm ban is very low,
the chance that nexon gives a warning to you because you broke their o so precious no naming and shaming policy is pretty high, because we cant have those poor toxic people get their feelings hurt.

(Icecoal) #4

“Going to close this thread”

(doxjq) #5

I lodged a ticket against him today, because he did the same thing to me. Joined a server and he’s on the voice comms “pls kick hes afk hes afk” and I was kicked and banned before I even got into the game. At the time this happened there was only 2 Aussie servers going, and the other server was full, so I couldn’t even play :neutral:

I’m absolutely sick of SD/Nexon/whoever is responsible not taking action against these guys. It’s just frustrating and annoying to deal with.

(doxjq) #6

Cyborgs voice… The resemblance is uncanny.

(The_N00Ba) #7

While I think knowing about the names of cheaters and other toxic players is good to know, I don’t think going against the rules just to raise awareness about them helps in the long term. This post is going to be more than likely be closed and all references related to such players will be removed because it goes against the rules. I can certainly understand the frustration and pain though. i am not saying people do not have the right to make their sorrow known. I am just wondering what can be done to help in the long run. Is there something that Splash Damage/Nexon can do to help better with such players. I know there is the obvious and am just curious about other options that could help. :slight_smile:

(GatoCommodore) #8

why not having consensus on all aus players that if you meet this guy, vote kick immidiately?
i mean i thought vote kick used to be for things like this?

(bontsa) #9

@RazielWarmonic I think you should look into this again as its not going anywhere for the time being, these individuals in question do seem mentally handicapped and thus will carry on until something permament is done.

Getting banned of their highlvl accounts might help in getting them lose their ‘credibility’ in eyes of in-different “bystanders” who are not part of their group but only see a highlevel player requesting a kick and obey simply because they dont know better. Sure they still have their followers, similar minded twats and sheeps, but I think slamming perma punishments on this kind of stuff would gain Nexon more PR in rest of the Aus players population, than lose it would the ‘Jim&Rommel’ mob throw a tantrum.

However everyone else has to keep in mind if it was Raz and other employees alone making these decisions heck these players would’ve been removed long ago. Theres also all kinds of law foolery binding them and possibly locking their hands from doing much more for the cause. We know only of the side we see so to speak.

(GatoCommodore) #10

[quote=“bontsa;205854”]@RazielWarmonic I think you should look into this again as its not going anywhere for the time being, these individuals in question do seem mentally handicapped and thus will carry on until something permament is done.

Getting banned of their highlvl accounts might help in getting them lose their ‘credibility’ in eyes of in-different “bystanders” who are not part of their group but only see a highlevel player requesting a kick and obey simply because they dont know better. Sure they still have their followers, similar minded twats and sheeps, but I think slamming perma punishments on this kind of stuff would gain Nexon more PR in rest of the Aus players population, than lose it would the ‘Jim&Rommel’ mob throw a tantrum.

However everyone else has to keep in mind if it was Raz and other employees alone making these decisions heck these players would’ve been removed long ago. Theres also all kinds of law foolery binding them and possibly locking their hands from doing much more for the cause. We know only of the side we see so to speak.[/quote]

i dont think deleting their current account wont do good.they will just make a new one and the kids in max level 6 are going to get hammered by them, and i dont want them to leave dirty bomb. some of those low level kids are my friends.

what i propose, let them enter the server but, make the system kick them with some kind of blacklist system like after you get kicked you are banned from the server.

(if they make another account im sure you guys will know them by attitude and sound.)

make them suffer by still having their account but cant play anything. Like dangling a meat on a Fat tiger that hasnt eat for 2 days. the tiger wont know that whatever he did, he can never get the meat anymore because the zookeeper decided to starve them to death because bullet is expensive.

no i dont mean any hate towards the mentioned player, but i dont want these kind of players approach my friends and make others suffer.

(bontsa) #11

@sweetColumn So you’re suggesting a special system for only 2 people seeking attention through ill-willed actions. Ain’t no sane developer/publisher in this world going to waste time and resources to place systems for few individuals, not only because that’d be waste of time but also giving these individuals exactly what they want; recognition that they are a problem that needs special measure to be dealt with.

You also make no sense in that first banning their current accounts would not to good, and right after suggest measures where they would practically be forced to create new ones anyway to continue their act. What is the point?

“kids in max level 6 are going to get hammered by them”. They could already do this at any point they wish due f2p nature of the game, so again completely null to implement some system balancing between them keeping their original accounts but having less influence while using them.

Lets keep the discussion reasonable. I understand they are annoying individuals but thats what they are: loud, obnoxious but still individuals. Can be dealt with normal measures publisher has at their disposal to deal with people that are obnoxious and make the playing experience horrendous for others.

(The_N00Ba) #12

I believe bontsa has a point. There are rules being followed behind the scenes that we do not know about. I think people are frustrated more with the fact that they do not know why some one has not been banned yet rather than they actually being banned. Where is the evidence for and against. Again though there are rules binding their hands as far as communication is concerned. This is unfortunately how business works right now. there is only so much they are allowed to do.
How Nexon deals with both real and possible cheaters may need to be reviewed on a company level at least to see if any improvement can be made. I don’t know if it it really necessary since I really have know idea what is going on behind the scenes.

(supergonzo) #13

You got the point. Nexon don’t give a shit.

(GatoCommodore) #14

[quote=“bontsa;205870”]@sweetColumn So you’re suggesting a special system for only 2 people seeking attention through ill-willed actions. Ain’t no sane developer/publisher in this world going to waste time and resources to place systems for few individuals, not only because that’d be waste of time but also giving these individuals exactly what they want; recognition that they are a problem that needs special measure to be dealt with.

You also make no sense in that first banning their current accounts would not to good, and right after suggest measures where they would practically be forced to create new ones anyway to continue their act. What is the point?

“kids in max level 6 are going to get hammered by them”. They could already do this at any point they wish due f2p nature of the game, so again completely null to implement some system balancing between them keeping their original accounts but having less influence while using them.

Lets keep the discussion reasonable. I understand they are annoying individuals but thats what they are: loud, obnoxious but still individuals. Can be dealt with normal measures publisher has at their disposal to deal with people that are obnoxious and make the playing experience horrendous for others.[/quote]

(RazielWarmonic) #15

Please, please, please please please…

If you have an issue with a player, report them through customer support or PM me.

This falls under the “no naming and shaming” policy on the forums AND Reddit.


EDIT: I have forwarded this to our customer support department and I will see what we can do. I don’t like these individuals as much as you guys, but that is no reason to break forum rules.