Custom Texture dosn't show in editor

( #1

Ok this time i’ve got a problem. :-7
I have three custom textures named test01_d.tga test01_g.tga and test01_b.tga
They are in the textures/retest directory.
The file is in the /materials folder and looks like this:

               qer_editorimage textures/retest/test01_d.tga
               diffusemap textures/retest/test01_d.tga
               specularmap textures/retest/test01_g.tga
               bumpmap textures/retest/test01_b.tga


Then i start d3radiant i can find the files in the media browser, but the little preview window is pitchblack (the same as some d3 stock textures).
if i apply the texture (and look at it in realtime preview) its still black. then i dmap the map and play it ingame the texture is there and looks fine.
but without a proper qer_editorimage a can’t scale the texture properly.
i searched a lot in the ww and forums but had no luck to get an answer. :frowning:

(Zombie13) #2

	qer_editorimage		textures/remaqe/tech01_3.tga
	bumpmap			textures/remaqe/tech01_3_norm.tga
	diffusemap		textures/remaqe/tech01_3.tga
	specularmap		textures/remaqe/tech01_3_gloss.tga

Thats what my basic materials look like, and from reading yours, it looks fine, quite odd that it doesnt show in DoomEdit but it does in Doom3… I’ll keep thinking about it.


( #3

i finally got them working.
its very strange. then i start the d3radiant from the ingame console they are there.
if i start with my desktop connection the editor loads, but with another UI setting and the qer_image is black.

normally i would say they point to different paths, but they are both the same doom3.exe in the ame directory.
strange computer…

(jRAD) #4

its very strange. then i start the d3radiant from the ingame console they are there.
if i start with my desktop connection the editor loads, but with another UI setting and the qer_image is black.

This sounds like an inconsistency in the way the preview window works. Nothing is wrong with your materials; it seems like “bad things” happen when it comes time to create the texture preview.