Custom Merc - Proxy with Revive Gun, Katana and Ammo

(poit187) #1

Bored… since the servers have been down all day, so I made this!

I think there really should be a way to make custom mercs and play on “experimental” servers… for fun, even if balance is out the window… FUN!

(doxjq) #2

Proxy with a revive gun. My dream merc haha.

(Akash) #3

Rhino with revive gun :stuck_out_tongue: and refractive index??

(Ctrix) #4

But the revivr isn’t even good. As a gun I mean

(Sorotia) #5

Then why did so many people beg for it to be nerfed? :stuck_out_tongue:


Proxy with rev gun and katana…Fuck…