Current Maps, too much advantage to attackers/defenders or balanced?

(stoutSoup) #1

So basically tell me how you feel about each map. Do both sides have equal advantages or do you think some maps favor too much one side:

For example;

Trainyard: Balanced
Chapel: Defender advantage
Underground: Balanced

(XavienX) #2


(kopyright) #3

It usually comes down to the team you play with/against. I had matches on Bridge where our attack team got pinned down in the spawn zone while at other times we totally rushed all objectives and had all the samples safely stored away within minutes.

Map design can only balance out otherwise unbalanced teams to a certain extend.

(AirborneAsian) #4

Nope. I win almost 100% of the time attacking on Terminal. Just make sure you do not capture forward spawn, because enemy can kill you easier as they are on the high buildings. After the first objective, everything is easy.

(AirborneAsian) #5

How to win in Chapel:

  1. Repair
  2. Make your whole team go along side with the E.V because more people = E.V faster.
  3. Send the objective. Use some Kira’s And Skyhammers as the enemy usually defends the building
  4. Profit

Trust me, when my whole entire team went alongside the E.V, it was going so fast that people thought we were hacking. And it is really hard to use Skyhammer’s airstrike marker as the E.V passes it swiftly.

(Dawnlazy) #6

Terminal is usually a one-sided stomp for either side in my experience, at least in the first objective. There’s just too much stuff to do, the forward spawn point, the MG balcony, the pump controls, the people camping the yellow room etc etc. Without good team coordination it can quickly result in a huge mess.

(Gh0st1e) #7

Terminal: Defender
Trainyard: Balanced
Underground: Balanced but attacker friendly
Chapel: Defender

The second part of Terminal is very easy to defend, especially container A.

In my experience with Underground the attacking team either wins the match or doesn’t make it past the first objective. I rarely see the attacking team lose if they take out the first objective.

How to win Chapel as defender: have 2 competent Skyhammers and an Aura. Use that setup with any other characters and the EV probably won’t even make it past the first turn.

@AirborneAsian I’m calling BS because I know the EV cannot outrun Skyhammer’s airstrike when it is thrown running the length of the road not to mention if the defending team has more than 1 Skyhammer.

(AirborneAsian) #8

@AirborneAsian I’m calling BS because I know the EV cannot outrun Skyhammer’s airstrike when it is thrown running the length of the road not to mention if the defending team has more than 1 Skyhammer.[/quote]

I’m saying when THE WHOLE TEAM pushes the ev.

(AllosaurusJr) #9

I think they’re all pretty well balanced.

Terminal: Balanced, defense is a bit easier first stage unless attackers push hard
Bridge: Balanced, can go either way- had matches where I rushed as proxy and immediately repaired the EV, in less then a minute, once escorted ran through the side, got the drug sample without anyone noticing
Underground: Balanced, defender friendly in the first stage if they can hold the doors.
Chapel: Balanced, defender friendly if you can keep disabling the EV.
Trainyard: Balanced, if anything the most balanced. The last part is a jerk to attackers tho.

(Aazhyd) #10

Dont necro threads that have info thats no longer valid. E.g.: speeding up EV with multiple players is no longer possible.

(infinitePiano) #11

Currently, most maps favor the defending side hardcore. The first objective in bridge. WTF

(sneak) #12

Stop crying about “necro threads” it’s a meaningless useless thing that people complain about. If a reply is relevant to the thread it belongs in the thread, not a new one. Anything else is the result of childish people thinking they should be policing the internet.

The games are defender biased. It’s already harder to attack than defend naturally as in any FPS game, but the spawntimes being equal in combination with the distance each team must run to collide makes the game very unfair for the offending team. It also sucks that the spawntimes are equal and always match the enemy team’s spawntimes. The way ET handled it was much more fair, but for some reason they aren’t following a system that works in a game that clearly resembles ET.

This has been discussed over the years this game has been out (I’ve looked it up and read things all over the place) and points have been made expressing the issue with the spawntimes but it doesn’t seem to matter.

(bgyoshi) #13

Scale of 1 to 5: 1 is attacking bias, 5 is defending bias

Chapel: 5
Dome: 1
Trainyard: 4
Terminal: 3
Bridge: 4.5 at repair, 2 at EV, 3.5 at Objs
Underground: 3