Cross ETQW: Total Convertion for Quake Wars

(timestart) #21

[QUOTE=scre4m;225807]ehm… how do I start…

at first i was interested then i was surprise then i was shocked …
and now i’m asking myself: WTF was that?

It’s hard to define what I just saw but it’s definetely…different…[/QUOTE]

Let’s call it “a Donnovan™ production”.

(murka) #22

The only word that can describe what actually happened is probably “the” and it’s barely a word.

(Azuvector) #23

shrug I don’t get abstract art, which is what this is. And “wtf was that” seems to be the point most people are getting out of it anyway. >.>

(murka) #24

Yes we think “wtf is that”, but i’m sure we all agree that it is pure awesomeness.

(tokamak) #25

It’s not abstract, it’s surrealism engaging with absurdism.

(Ashog) #26

I liked teh dog