Has anyone got a tutorial or can explain how to create roq files. I’ve got roq.exe and a pile of .tga’s but that’s as far as I can get :banghead:
Has anyone got a tutorial or can explain how to create roq files. I’ve got roq.exe and a pile of .tga’s but that’s as far as I can get :banghead:
I’ve been wondering this myself. I’ve not looked there yet but this question came up a couple of times on Quake3World so there might be something there.
ok, I’ve made an example for you chaps, I wish I could attach
files on this forum… its only a few k…
grab it herehttp://www.deevickery.btinternet.co.uk/ww/forum_stuff/misc/hewsters_roq_tut.zip
Here is what I have put in the readme…
This readme is included with some example files, namely a folder called 'tga'
with .tga files numbered from frame_000 to frame_021, a file called my_roq.param,
and a make_roq.param.
To use this successfully you will need to copy your version of roq.exe into the same
folder as the the above files, and place the whole 'roq' folder directly in your
c drive.
ie this readme.txt file should be here:
If you run the 'make_roq.bat' file, it will compile the example frames into a roq video file
called my_roq.roq. this is just to prove it works !
After the roq.exe has done its thing, you will see new files in the 'tga' folder, I believe
these are just tempory files produced during the compile, and can be deleted (must be if you change
frames and re-compile ? I dunno, best to always delete them before re-compiling any changes)
Hewsters quick n easy roq quide.....
ok you need your separate frames in tga format.
The tga must be in a resolution of the power of 2, ie: 64 x 64 or 128 x 128 or 256 x 256
the .tga's must be saved in 32bit format to keep the finished size of the roq low,
remove some colour saturation from your images first(don't worry if you don't understand what i mean)
and I recommend, for map overview roq's, to resize your frames to 128x128.
You need to name your tga numerically , look at the example tga's in the 'tga' folder to see what i mean
Now edit the my_roq.param file with WordPad or notepad.
here is a copy of what it says:
INPUT_DIR c:\roq ga <<<<This is the path to your frames for compression
FILENAME c:\roq\my_video.roq <<<<< this is the name and path for the to be created roq
frame_*.tga [00-21] <<<<<< This is where you specify the name of your frames, and the numerical range
If you haven't already, run the 'make_roq.bat' file, and watch it compile the example. and produce a
roq for you:)
Final tip, to make sure the file plays when it should, simply name the roq the same as your map ;)
Should get you quys roq’in ?
Hope so
np guys
I remeber going though a LOT of greif before creating this
method of making roqs, it was pretty much trial and error !
I found that the tool you are refering to, add’s the images in a different
way, and I found it maxed out and gave errors at a relativly low frame
count (about 300 I think).
Creating a ‘wide screen’ effect by adding pure black top and bottom
of the tga’s can also help with final file size.