Creating realistic rubble.

(Telmo) #1

What would be the easiest way to create rubble like in this picture:

I have created the bacid Architecture for my “Saving Private Ryan” map based on the movie pictures but it looks too “clean” looks like a village with broken buildings and not like a war zone. Creating models for the rubble can take a toll in the FPS specially in old cards. Do shadders have the capabilty of showing rocks and broken things?

(Moonkey) #2

One way is to actually create terrain with rubble type textures. It’s not very precise of course, but looks pretty good and isn’t too complex. You can add individual pieces of wood etc after to make it a bit more detailed.

(MindLink) #3

Or you add some gtkgensurfaces or patch meshes with rubble textures.

I for my part plan on adding a second texture on my ground with some rubble/other wear effects and maybe use the foliage shader stuff to implement some more small random stuff lying around.

(MindLink) #4

(ignore the wrong lighting on the front wall, that’s fixed now)

(Loffy) #5

I understand the patch mesh + rubble texture. But what is gtkgensurfaces?
Could it be one of those 5-6 plug ins that are reachable via radiant’s menu? (I’ve recently discovered the plug in that enables vis portal viewing. Excellent for finding previously unseen structural brushes that should be made detailed ones.) Do you use gtkgensurfaces as a terrain maker MindLink?
// Loffy

(MindLink) #6

Yep you can find it under plugins. It’s sort of like a small Terrain generator, you creat a brush of the extents you want your rubble/terrain/whatever to have, texture it with your texture, start up gtkgensurf with “ground surface” and play around with the settings. Afterwards you can use vertex-editing to give your surface finishing touches (remember to lock all directions except the one you want to edit, and save before editing in case you screw up anything).

(Loffy) #7

Cool! Thanks! Will defintly try it later!
I wish I could use it irl, in the garden, too. My partner wants a pond, for birds and frogs to enjoy. I have to dig it. Brr, my mapping hands and my aim might be affected!
Back to mapping questions: Why should we use EasyGen in the first place? If this plug in makes terrain, I mean? Is it beacuse EasyGen makes it possible to blend? (Blend ground textures.)
// L.

EDIT: I see your reply below 18 Oct 2003 15:15. Thanks. Now I know more.

(MindLink) #8

with GenSurf you can only do a “terrain” that has one texture, you would have to do blendning by yourself, and that could be quite some pain in the arse.

(redfella) #9

Nice looking map Mindlink.


(Telmo) #10

Mindlink you have the same problem I have, it looks too clean, like a broken building not something destroyed by a bomb or artillery.

this picture may explain what I am trying to achieve better, look at the ground… now that’s what a war zone looks like…

(MindLink) #11

Yeah I know what you mean, but once I’ve finished most of the brushwork I’m going to rework all the textures and stuff to get it to look more “dirty”… lot’s of decals/2nd layer textures etc. I think I’ll get it to look the way I want :slight_smile:

(MindLink) #12

Like posted previously : do the streetrubble as a textured terrain and add a few details by hand, at least that’s what I’m going to do later on :slight_smile: Just need to get good textures for this :wink:

(Machine for to kill) #13

Take a look at this tutorial, maybe it can help you.

making a map with lot’s of rubble, decals and complex shaders can create serious performance issues. Make sure you take these things under consideration as you’re designing it.

(MindLink) #14

Ok, here some new shots after I added some more stuff… I haven’t found a really good “rubble” texture yet (you know, broken stones, shards, broken wood planks) so if anyone knows one, it would be nice to forward a link… :wink:

(BXpress) #15

hm, i think you should apply bumpmapping @ the ground! :wink:

(MindLink) #16

Ah right, good idea, didn’t even think of that yet… :slight_smile:

(redfella) #17

Looking great Mindlink! :slight_smile:

Btw, I’m gonna do some searching tonight for that debris texture that your looking for. If I can’t find something, I may try and throw something together and see if we cant get that desired effect.


(flashkillaman) #18

I Can’t wait to play this map midlink!

(BXpress) #19

hm, wasnt there somethign with q3map2?
it can place models on special shadered textures.
so small debris models!

(MindLink) #20

Yep, you can use the foliage stuff to do that, though that adds even more tris-count.