Crate item not available ~ Outfit.

(iwound) #1

I received Juan DeCovas Park Awe outfit in a crate after i paid for some keys to open it.
But its not available.

Now i never usually check these items as i presumed i had them once i got them. :confused:
But i decided to check this to fit it. Now im thinking maybe other stuff ive paid for isnt there.

I also got a character and that appeared ok.

as a side note default outfit says ??? until you scroll down and then back again then it says default.

Also Hoo-Har Ar i keep getting in crates.
isnt that the default weapon for some characters. is there any point to this. which character can i fit this to which does not have it as default?

(badman) #2

This should now be fixed, and only affected Juan’s outfits. You should also be seeing the skin you unlocked in our inventory.

Your Captain doesn’t come with a Hoo-Har AR, and there’s a few Commandos that don’t, either (including the heavies).

(Jerry-Rigs) #3

I think I was hit by the same thing. I -think- I got a Park-Awe but when I went looking for it, I couldn’t find it. Or maybe I’m confused. Can it be verified one way or the other? Thanks.