Crafting Week Now On! - 15th June, 2017

(Chris Mullins) #1

Welcome to Crafting Week - a full week of bonuses to help you Craft the cards you’re after. Here’s what’s going down:


  • London (BST, UTC+1): 11:00 Thursday, June 15th - 11:00 Thursday, June 22nd
  • Los Angeles (PDT, UTC-7): 03:00 Thursday, June 15th - 03:00 Thursday, June 22nd
  • Sydney (AEST, UTC+10): 20:00 Thursday, June 15th - 20:00 Thursday, June 22nd


Throughout Crafting Week, recycling Loadout Cards will grant you at least 20% additional Fragments.


Whenever you Craft a Loadout Card during Crafting Week, the Fragment cost will be reduced by ~20%.

Combined with these reduced Crafting Costs, Recycling a Cobalt Loadout Card will give you enough Fragments to Craft a new one for the price of Credits alone!


![](We’re also reducing the cost of Crafting Kits in the Store by ~45% “”)

We’re also reducing the cost of Crafting Kits in the Store by ~45% during Crafting Week, which will allow you to Craft on the cheap while saving your Credits.

So get crafting, before time runs out!

(OwynTyler) #2

wut? free rerolls for cobalt cards?! … but why not for gold and silver ones? I have 0 cobalts so far and only few gold ones, I don’t think I would even have enough credits to craft 1 cobalt :’(

  • what about crafting system overhaul you was planning? Wouldn’t this be a waste of fragments\cards then?

  • what about 3rd gen cards you was planning? Wouldn’t this be a waste of fragments\cards then?

(3hawn) #3

What about reducing the cost of credits to craft cards. When I saw crafting week thats what I was hyped for. 25,000 and 50,000for gold and cobalt is alot. Please reduce the cost.

(frostyvampire) #4

Time to recycle my cards that I earned since the last crafting week.
Oh yeah, and I finally got a use for my 700,000 credits that I have left after buying the Aura obsidian

(SnakekillerX) #5

Dunno about you guys, but this is an excuse to spend my million credits re-rolling for my favorite cards in cobalts.

They’ve already stated (recently) that there are plans for changing the crafting system later down the road, so I don’t know what the point about asking about it again… just enjoy the current crafting discount while it lasts.

@OwynTyler said:
wut? free rerolls for cobalt cards?! … but why not for gold and silver ones? I have 0 cobalts so far and only few gold ones, I don’t think I would even have enough credits to craft 1 cobalt :’(

  • what about crafting system overhaul you was planning? Wouldn’t this be a waste of fragments\cards then?

  • what about 3rd gen cards you was planning? Wouldn’t this be a waste of fragments\cards then?

Also… oddly you actually GAIN fragments when recycling a gold card compared to making it.
Crafting a Gold = 1950 shards and $25000 credits.
Recycling a Gold = 2620 shards

(blufflord) #6

HELLLLZZZ YEAA!!! im gonna keep re-rolling until i get cobalt good nader xD

(SnakekillerX) #7

Got my favorite Aimee loadout. :smile:
Couldn’t get my favorite Kira or Phantom loadouts though. :disappointed:
But got a couple of cards I’d actually be likely to use.

Worst luck crafting Phantom cards though… hate the Blishloc and got a Blishloc card like 8 times.

(Xenithos) #8

DANG IT - They chose to do it now… of all times, week after I’d spent fudging 100k on cases again… Fudging DB.

Edit: Ah well, glad I can grind easily anyway. Time to activate those boosters and play ranked.

(Xenithos) #9

… so… did anyone else realize you can craft irons to make a profit in fragments? :confused:
I mean, it’s only 40 fragments per 1000 credits, but still DOABLE :stuck_out_tongue:

(SnakekillerX) #10

You can do the same with Golds, as I stated above, haven’t checked Silver though.