Cracked game?

(Crozzton) #1

Have just been asked if I have a cracked game. What the h… Does that mean? Some kinda cheat I reckon but with what purpose.

(Mustang) #2

That’s exactly what they meant.

(Jerry-Rigs) #3

A game crack is when somebody has modified the code on thier computer to allow them to do things the code normally doesn’t allow them to do. Commonly refers to allowing software to be run without registering (and paying for) it. Can also allow program cheats to exist like always giving you max damage on a shot.

If you just easily beat someone, they may have meant it as a compliment:
Sir, your expertise at this game is such that it appears that you have a cracked version of it.
… or…
Yo dog, you running a crack? I know you ain’t leet nough ta teabag me like that.
Or not.

(Crozzton) #4

Ah ok. Thx for clearing that for me. Had taken one turn when I was asked and no shots had been fired so no idea why he would think it.