covert ops breath control

(einer) #21

OK, i get your point.
In CS it was/is like you can aim fast if you have the skill (and also can aim without realy to zoom) and hit the buttons zoom and shoot at once and get a nice headshoot, if you have the skill and feeling where it is aiming at.
Also if you shoot normal with zoom if you are on the player it will be a hit.
So it is at the and like a rail gun, also the BF2 sniper seems to me good (i am not a BF player but trying it), no bobing.

For me as an exsoldier it doesn’t feel right, whatever you say.

But i totaly get your point and for you it is better like u are saying it.
I’m not a quaker at all, but it is hard to have a game with the name “Quake” in it, even if it is still ET, and than having bobing in it :frowning: .

I won’t play ETQW becouse it is an simulation, at the and it is not one. It’s still arcade for me, thats why i will be playing it when i can live with bobing. I will see.

(kamikazee) #22

Try RtCW or W:ET and you’ll see the sway can be lived with. It sways, but at least the sniper is deadly accurate.

I played Bf1942, popped the sight open, aimed and missed unless I waited 3 secs before shooting. No visual clue is given, except for the hit/miss part, making sniping a rather awkward skill.

(einer) #23

[i]I tried i tried ET. Didn’t try bf1942 myself. Like you explain it, it is not ok like it is, your right.
But still i don’t like the sway, i most like zoom - shoot, no waiting, fast play!

I can’t understand this sway, like i sad i was working as soldier till some months back and there was no sway when i have shooted/aimed, maybe its because i liked shooting and wasn’t bad on it, not everybody is for everything.
Its like you can in real life run fast but in a game there is only walking, that would be also hard :stuck_out_tongue: .
Like u saw new Porsche but get old slow ford :slight_smile: .

We will (i will) see what will be when the game will be released (much “will”'s in it :)), but i have heart pain, becouse i was thinkin ETQW will rock for me (i’m waiting long time for a good game),
i saw the GDF or STROGG tutorial and there was someone zoomed and sniping or railing an GDF, there was no sway/bobing and i was like, this game will rock. But now you say there will be bobing and me is giving up on the game indutry :frowning: .

Once again sry for my english.

(Gringo) #24

(einer) #25

I was replying on this whit the “This i was writing before Rahabib’s post:” post, that i write 3 posts back.
I think a sniper can’t ruin it, if you don’t like him killing you, kill him instead :lol: .

(Gringo) #26

thats easier said than done most times especially with the level of realism u after

(Nail) #27

bull, you’ve never fired a real weapon…if you’re telling me you can hold without barrel movement your full of it, real shooting is all about breath control

(Ifurita) #28

Especially after a quick rush to a fighting position

(einer) #29

@Nail, i send you an personal message i don’t feel fine writing my achivements in army here down.

Depends on your fizikal condition. Less you have more bobing thats right! I haven’t have problems with condition.
With time you get a feeling for shooting and you must be tallented.
Also like i sad we are here also talking about te “8ts” making sway/bobing wich is person preffered, some do it some don’t, i never done it, some start aiming above the target some under and so on…

I don’t know how the game will bob or anything so it is loosing time to talk to much, but all my words come because i was full of joy that etqw will be a game for me ;). People often react like me when they get the feeling of disappointment, they hope there is coming someone that plays the beta and saying, "einer don’t worry there is no bob at least for the strogg sniper " :stuck_out_tongue: . Strogg sniper/railer/whatever bobbing and i start crying :lol: .

(Rahabib) #30

I think at this point, all we can do is is wait for the demo. I was at first thinking it was a must buy, but as more information leaks out it only raised more questions that answers.

So for now, we have no idea how the weapons look or feel. I have only seen one video that had much action where they were finging weapons and teh accuracy looked pretty bad - but that was posted like 6 months ago. I wish they would show more videos showing the iron sights and firing and such more so that we could all see for ourselves what its like (or at least close) but I don’t think that will happen.

(Gringo) #31

If uve played ET then u will know how the weapons feel.

If u aint played ET then dont whine about not knowing what the game is gonna be like. I am for one am a bit sick and tired of people foolishly wondering what QW is gonna be like when there is a game for free which will at the very least give u a basic knowledge of how the game is gonna feel.

(einer) #32

It won’t be a clone, it even can’t be, there are not only humans, also its a different engine.

I think Rahabib’s post was a nice ending on our discussion. At least on mine it is now.

(Gringo) #33

I didnt say it was gonna be a clone I said it will give u a rough idea of how the game will feel. His post is stoopid btw!

(Rahabib) #34
  1. the games mechanics are different now. There are iron sights for one, and different weapons.

  2. I have played ET. I still have it installed. I played it just yesterday. I think the accuracy is ok on most weapons, but that doesnt mean that the game is going to be the same. The sniper sway is ok, probably not as much as I am used to with other games but the recoil after the shot is good to make up for it.

All I am saying is that there are a lot of questions that people have and should wait for the demo. Telling people its going to be ET with new skins is just not the case.

(Gringo) #35

I never once said anything remotely like it was ET with new skins. Re-read what i posted and then counter with a more accurate reflection on what I said!

(Rahabib) #36

gringo lets not turn this into a flame fest.

(Svanire) #37

He defends himself and it’s a flame fest? lol

From the vid’s I’ve seen the weapons look like they handle nicely. Cant wait to play though.

(Dazzamac) #38

Einer I must disagree with your views on bobbing of the rifle. Only when mounted on a tripod will there be no bobbing, on a bipod there is less and free holding like it is in the game, the sway, no matter how little it is will amass to a couple of feet given the range. I was never in the army but I’ve got enough experience with a rifle to tell you that your full of crap. As gringo says, the sniper control in ET will be a good pointer to what QW will be like. It won’t be exactly like it, but it won’t be too far off it either.

(einer) #39

Thank you very much.

If you can’t do something, it doesn’t mean that someone else can’t do it. I won’t go on detail about your post, i sad what i wanted to say on detail in this topic so far.

(GlobalWar) #40

Why did i read the topic as Covert Ops Birth Control??