Could you make a sale where you sell every obsidian you have ever sold?

(Lollopai) #1

I would really be happy about like a super sale where you sell every obsidian card you have ever sold. I have missed all those chances where i could buy obsidians cause i was not sure if i should buy them. But now i am 100 % sure to buy obsidians.


(Eox) #2

Very few chances this would ever happen. Obsidian loadouts are supposed to be timed exclusivities as far as I know, so basically something kind of “collector”. Once they go, they’re supposed to be gone forever.

But hey, anything could happen.

(FalC_16) #3

If they should sell them again they should not call the original offer “limited time” offer. But hey, considering SD works with wargaming now, anything is possible lul

(Press E) #4

@FalC_16 said:
If they should sell them again they should not call the original offer “limited time” offer. But hey, considering SD works with wargaming now, anything is possible lul

Well, they did say Containment War skins would never be available again when they first came out. Granted the new ones aren’t identical to the original CW ones, but still.
I guess that’s the point of beta, everything is subject to change.
Though I doubt we’ll be seeing those obsidians go on sale again.

(Ptiloui) #5

Or maybe in one big pack when game goes on full release ?

(imLegal) #6


(cFn) #7

Well Black Friday is coming up in the states…

which means nothing in EU I think?

(Xenithos) #8

@cFn said:
Well Black Friday is coming up in the states…

which means nothing in EU I think?

Black Friday is there too, just not as widespread.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #9

Maybe after they finish Obsidians, they’ll start a new set, like Diamond.