Could we please get a ping limit?

(n-x) #1

Something like this should just not be allowed to happen. Especially since the ping >800 assholes started to team kill as well. So in this game only 4/10 had an acceptable ping.

(Press E) #2

Would be nice in ranked. Have to be careful how you implement that though. My wifi sometimes randomly spikes up to 800 ping for a second or two, so being kicked over that would be pretty annoying.
People definitely shouldn’t be able to join ranked matches in the first place with that kind of ping though

(K1X455) #3

(ThunderZsolt) #4

@STARRYSOCK I think the ping limit is not about kicking players, just doesn’t let you connect to other regions or something like that.

(martha_smith) #5

kicking players for ping can’t be the solution because I’ve seen some players in ranked (in EU) get 900 ping but after some time their ping goes normal .

(K1X455) #6

@martha_smith said:
kicking players for ping can’t be the solution because I’ve seen some players in ranked (in EU) get 900 ping but after some time their ping goes normal .

they have experienced a phenomenon called lag

(n-x) #7

@martha_smith said:
kicking players for ping can’t be the solution because I’ve seen some players in ranked (in EU) get 900 ping but after some time their ping goes normal .

Tough shit for them. But I would say that the vast, vast, absolute vast majority of players from Europe with any proper internet connection don’t have that problem.

If you really live in Europe and you ping more than 200ms (and this is generous) to a European server, something is wrong with your connection and you should fix it.

If you don’t manage to have a ping of around 150 you shouldn’t be allowed to queue. If you spike for a second to 900 wouldn’t matter.

(Mc1412013) #8

Dint they already officialy say this isnt going to happen

(n-x) #9

@Mc1412013 said:
Dint they already officialy say this isnt going to happen

Actually, this wouldn’t surprise me at all…

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #10

To be honest I can relate to you on this issue @n-x. I had a ranked game against a full team with 200+ ping on a US East Server; their Phoenix had 400+ ping most of the game and would sometimes drop to 360 ping at lowest. It was torture and hitting any of them was inconsistent, as they constantly teleported around; we ultimately decided to just say f**k it and surrendered rather than put up with that crap. To be honest, that sort of abuse of latency should be something that is penalized; I seriously doubt they all just happened to get put against a 4-man queue with ping that high across the board. The stench of a premade team from another region, who queued up outside of their servers, was rather strong from them; they even made the comment of them being a lag-team when confronted on the issue mid-match.

@stayfreshshoe This sort of thing is exactly why ping limits should be a thing, you are leaving a door open for someone to abuse latency in a competitive environment; someone will inevitably abuse it if you give them that inch, so I don’t understand how you can take an official stance of not doing that at Splash Damage.

(Press E) #11

@n-x said:

@martha_smith said:
kicking players for ping can’t be the solution because I’ve seen some players in ranked (in EU) get 900 ping but after some time their ping goes normal .

Tough @$!# for them. But I would say that the vast, vast, absolute vast majority of players from Europe with any proper internet connection don’t have that problem.

DB isn’t the most stable game, and not everyone who plays DB has ideal hardware.
No, it’s not common, but kicking a player for a ping spike that only lasts a couple seconds is completely excessive.

Of course you shouldn’t be able to queue in the first place if you have a high ping at all times. But kicking a player mid match just because their ping spiked for a few seconds is just a terrible idea.

(n-x) #12

@STARRYSOCK I never said something about kicking players with lag spikes. My point is, if you have a connection that is detrimental to the game for any participant on the server (imo 150-200ms) you have no business on that server.

(martha_smith) #13


i’ve seen veteran players with 200 & 300 pings in ranked and they are always on top of scoreboard , like MaQ Luke

such players can’t play ranked in EU if ping limit is applied.

further , ranked is dead in ASIA-australia & North american servers…

so, players with other regions play in Europe-west.

ping limit isn’t a solution

(Mc1412013) #14

@martha_smith said:
further , ranked is dead in ASIA-australia & North american servers…

The @#$ you smoking? Ranked isnt dead in north america yet. its not as big in na but were still playing. Except late nights and early morning i usualy not always qued in as solo in 5 min or less provided no one fails to join longer off peak hours.

(GatoCommodore) #15

@Mc1412013 said:
Dint they already officialy say this isnt going to happen

they also said turtle wont happen but here we are

(n-x) #16

further , ranked is dead in ASIA-australia & North american servers…

so, players with other regions play in Europe-west.

Yeah, ranked is dead in region x, y, z. That’s why the remaining players of those regions should be allowed to ruin European ranked…

Ranked is in such a vulnerable state in general and also in Europe far away from being decent. We also have to deal with leavers, afkers, team killers, bad match making and all the other crap other regions have to deal with, but somehow we managed to keep ranked “going” (I really had difficulties to find the proper word. Maybe “crawling” would be better). So we don’t need an additional negative factor.

Yeah, it sucks for those players in other regions who want to play ranked too, but why ruin ranked for a majority to ensure a service for a minority it was never intended for? Players from outside EU queuing in EU will be missed in their respective home queues, adding to the problem.

Maybe you should accept, that it’s the problem of your region and try to do something about it and get a PUG scene going or try to persuade SD to give you public servers with ranked settings.

And please don’t say something like “but there you don’t get any ranked rewards” because playing for rewards is exactly one of the issues that turned DB including ranked into the shithole it is.