coop mod ?

(here) #1

wolfenstein could be very nice in a coop mod with the multiplayer system (class)
Imagine you can make the sp game as a team of 4 persons (no items in the map) Only ai

  • only lieutenant bullet pack for ammo
  • only medic health pack for health
  • adding some explosive objective or constructive objectise in the spmaps
  • adding some destroyable objective for soldiers utilitie

It is possible to make this ?
Or does it already exist ?
If someone is interested in this kind of project or want to lead a similar project I’m open =)

(dutchmeat) #2

It is posible to create such a mod
As far as I know, it doesn’t exist yet
And I might look into using bots in our Vampiremod project(W:ET), which can lead to a co-op mode.

(carnage) #3

I have no doubt its possible, but the amount of work involved would probably be quite huge

if your going to build it as a mod the main problem that you will probably get is that the AI is not set up to work over a network and that is going to be quite a task in itself, then after that its will probably break compatibility with the existing single player levels not to mention that there were not designed for this kind of game play anyway so probably wont be much fun

you also have to consider tricks that players can do when they work together e.g. towers. meaning they will have better access to areas that are intended to be off limits and could use it to “cheat” levels. it also becomes a bigger design challenge to create a level that can accommodate enough players while giving each one enough to do

I was doing a few tests in ET some time ago to try and fake a coop system using bots. it worked around some rather tricky manipulation of spawn points by activating and disabling them at certain times you can make it appear that bots are spawn in different locations around the levels. they have very limited behaviour compared to conventional AI, you cant really script anything of set up defensive positions because you can control the behaviour enough to stop the bots just running around randomly (or to the next point of interest).

if I was going to try and make a proper coop mod i would probably start by trying to get the source code for a working bot mod for rtcw, from there you will probably want to tweak the behaviour a bit to allow for calm state etc, maby react to other entities on the maps that will show them were you want them to take defensive positions etc. On the up side virtual all the media needed to get this mod working already exists in the single player game, characters are fully animated and even contain walking animations (very useful for AI’s who are not alerted). From there 90% of the other changes shouldn’t be major coding projects, restricting the axis team, changing default weapon load outs etc

(nedd3h) #4

this works well

we often do humans v bots at lans

(080711jk) #5

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(Tyrlop) #6

thats bots not npc. npc is much funner this means single player campaigns…

(Goagioou) #7

bump!!haha--------------------------------very good wow power leveling site:buy WoW Gold, World of warcraft Power Leveling, World of warcraft Power Leveling, wow power leveling, wow power level

(Miki) #8

If this project goes on, I could make maps for it, just tell me how they need to look like. Then you don’t have the whole ‘tower to cheat levels’ tricks and stuff… In my eyes, this would be a great funmod! :smiley:

EDIT : Ow didn’t see it was in the RTCW part of the forum. Anyway, I would make it for ET, since that has way more players… + newer,( and in my eyes, way better multiplayer) :slight_smile:

(Tyrlop) #9

it has allways been my dream to play Coop in ET or RtCW, Eastfront(ET) got new Coop system, but its still under heavily development, atm the npcs are just placed randomly all over the maps, we imported most stock maps to Coop mode, its quite funny but its also very buggy.

(Yougssio28) #10

I’m going to bump the thread PRETTY WOMANPART 9INT. PENTHOUSE BEDROOM - MORNINGVivian is asleep. She turns over, slowly waking. Her hand goes out to touch Edward and encounters nothing but empty bed.Vivian comes awake with a sudden start. She look aroundmomentarily frightened, not sure where she is. Sighing withrelief, she lies back down. She sees Edward’s American Expresscard on the pillow next to her.EDWARD (O.S.)Wake up, Vivian. Time to shop.Edward comes out of the bathroom and moves toward the bed.He is tying his tie. Vivian sits up and ties it for him. Hesmiles at her.EDWARDI still don’t understand why youonly bought one dress.VIVIANI wasn’t as much fun as Ithought it was going to be.EDWARDWhy not?VIVIANWell, you know those cold bitchesthat work in those stores and tryto intimidate you? It works.EDWARDWas someone rude to you?VIVIANI had a little problem in onestore. I wasn’t dressed right.I don’t know what to say. I don’tbelong there. Maybe I’ll justgo back to Bridget. She was cool.EDWARDVivian, you belong wherever youare. I don’t care how you weredressed, they were the ones whowere wrong, not you.Edward sits on the bed.EDWARD (cont’d)People aren’t going to respectyou unless you respect yourself.(a beat)The next time someone is rude toyou, you stare at them right here.He softly touches her, right between the eyes.EDWARD (cont’d)It’s an old trick I use,especially with bankers. Worksevery time. Will you try it?VIVIAN(confidently)Okay.EDWARDGood.VIVIAN(a beat)Come with me?Edward looks at his watch. Vivian covers it with her hand.VIVIANPlease.INT. BOUTIQUE - DAYA beautiful, chic women’s shop. The haughty SALESGIRLapproaches Vivian near a rack of dresses. Edward hovers in theb.g.VIVIAN(nervous)Hello. Can you help me?The Salesgirl looks Vivian up and down. A Pause. Vivian givesher “the stare” and straightens up. We see the Salesgirl’sreaction change.VIVIAN(confidently)I’m looking for a dress, nothingtoo flashy, not too sexy,conservative. In a size six.SALESGIRL(uncomfortable underVivian’s stare)Do… do you have a chargeaccount with us?Vivian smiles and draws out Edward’s American Express card.The Salesgirl nods and quickly moves to a rack of dresses tofind Vivian’s size.INT. BOUTIQUE - DAY - IN A SERIES OF CUTSVivian tries on different clothes under Edward and theSalesgirl’s supervision.Vivian comes happily out of the dressing room wearing a lowcut, spangled and fringed outfit. Edward shakes his hand. TheSalesgirl holds a classic tweed ensemble over Vivian’s outfit.Vivian scowls.VIVIAN(sighing)I look like ****ing Nancy Reagan.INT. BOUTIQUE - ANOTHER ANGLEThe Salesgirl shows Edward clothes by Ann Taylor. He turns to find Vivian happily holding up a tiny, low cut leather dress.Edward shakes his head in mock disapproval. Vivian scowls.INT. BOUTIQUE - ANOTHER ANGLE - LATERVivian is wearing an elegant pastel dress. Edward is standingat the store’s bar, watching and talking on the telephone.INT. STUCKEY’S OFFICE - DAY - INTERCUT WITH EDWARDStuckey and Vance are pouring over stock reports, talking to Edward on the speaker phone.VANCEKross came out of his cornerswinging. He started buying upall available stock as soon asthe market opened.EDWARD(almost to himself)He’s a tough old son of abitch…Edward is watching Vivian. She pulls the hem of her skirt upto mid thigh. She looks hopefully over to Edward. Edwardshakes his head.VANCEIt’s up to ten and a quarter.EDWARDOffer nine and a half. Bringthem back down to earth.STUCKEYGoddamit! Where is he gettingthe money to fight?EDWARDSomeone’s loaning it to him.Get on it right away.STUCKEYOur contract guys are workingon the Kross pension funds.There’s another forty millionthere. We can bleed’m dry.There is a sudden hesitation in Edward’s eyes. He watches asVivian tries on a hat. She preens for him. He smiles.EDWARD(to Vance & Stuckey)Put the pension funds on holduntil I say otherwise.STUCKEY(surprised)We’re letting them slide?EDWARDI want the treatment plantlicenses to be top priority rightnow.STUCKEYBut, Edward…EDWARDDo it.Edward hangs up and takes a long look at Vivian. She movesto him.EDWARD(looks at his watch)You’re on your own now, Vivian.I’ve got to get to work. Besensible and you can keepeverything. Spend too much andit all goes back.Vivian hugs him again.EXT. RODEO DRIVE - DAYVivian walks along Rodeo Drive. She looks lovely in the pinkdress and new, white shoes. A pretty, white hat is the finaltouch. She carries a bag containing her old clothes. She stopsand a trashcan and ceremonially throws the offending items away.INT. TORIE STEELE BOUTIQUE - SHOPPING MONTAGEWe SEES Vivian in each department within the store withdifferent SALESPEOPLE. She happily and confidently tries ona variety of dresses, hats, shoes, accesarries, etc.1) Vivian is in a dressing stall. She tosses a dress outto a waiting SALESWOMAN.VIVIANNot me!2) A SALESWOMAN holds a long, purple evening gown.VIVIAN(imitating Bridget)Horrid!3) Vivian is admiring a pair of beautiful suede dress pumps.Her attention is drawn to the SALESMEN’S exotic hand-paintedtie.VIVIANWhere’d you get your tie?4) Vivian stands in front of an enormous tie rack with theSalesman, a dozen wild, swirling designed ties are hanging overhis outstretched arm. Vivian picks out the brightest one andsmiles.EXT. RODEO DRIVE - DAYVivian’s arms are filled with clothing boxes and bags. Shefeels like she owns the block. A well-dressed MAN passes by,smiling politely. Vivian’s nose lifts as she happily ignoreshim.Suddenly Vivian stops. She’s about to pass the shop she wasthrown out of. Vivian takes a breath and enters the shop.INT. BOUTIQUE - DAYVivian enters. The moment she steps through the door, Vivian’scourage leaves her.The saleswoman is waiting on a CUSTOMER.SALESWOMAN(to the customer)Isn’t this lovely? I think itwould look wonderful on you.Vivian musters her courage. She takes a deep breath and startsforward.SALESWOMAN(to her customer)Would you like to try it on?VIVIAN’Scume me.Both the saleswoman and her customer look up. The saleswomansmiles pleasantly.SALESWOMANYes?VIVIANDo you remember me?SALESWOMANNo, I’m sorry, I don’t.VIVIANI was in here yesterday.Vivian slowly raises her middle finger. The recognition startsto dawn in the saleswoman’s eyes. Vivian’s courage begins toreturn.VIVIANYeah. That’s right. It’s me.I want you to know something.You made me feel terrible. Iwasn’t dressed right and you saidI didn’t belong here. Well, Ido. You’re the one that waswrong, not me. And I want to tellyou something else. I’m nevergonna shop here again as long asI live.And with that, Vivian turns and walks out.The saleswoman is stunned. A beat. The customer thrusts thedress into the saleswoman’s arm as if offended by Vivian’sspeech and leaves the store also. Most of us take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future, when we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. wow gold, The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty task, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life. The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of our faculties and senses. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight url=]wow gold. Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult WOW Power leveling life. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sound hazily, without concentration, and with little appreciation. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we conscious of health until we are ill. I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some wow gold time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound. WOW Power leveling Now and then I have tested my seeing friends

(sherlock12) #11

Aion gold, Warhammer gold, as the currency in the Warhammer world, plays an important role in the economic system. The experience plays take in game kinda depends on how much Warhammer gold they have. To amateur players, they do not have much time to play the game, not even farming Warhammer online gold. So most of Warhammer players would like to purchase Warhammer gold.Warhammer cdkeyWarhammer online CD-key are the codes which be used to active your Warhammer Accounts. Warhammer leveling then will be needed after your Warhammer Accounts have been activated. That means you have to use both Warhammer CD-key and Warhammer Timecard after you creat an Warhammer account, so that you can access to the Warhammer world.

(fretn) #12

I’m a bit late to reply, but we are working on this, you can follow the project at

There is still a lot of work to be done and a lot of bug to be fixed, but its starting to be playable, and we’ll release new (working) binaries for linux, osx and windows soon.

(FFSturm) #13

[QUOTE=fretn;382973]I’m a bit late to reply, but we are working on this, you can follow the project at

There is still a lot of work to be done and a lot of bug to be fixed, but its starting to be playable, and we’ll release new (working) binaries for linux, osx and windows soon.[/QUOTE]

It doesn’t work for me right now on win7. don’t know why, it just quits.
When you release a future binary, would you kindly explain step by step how to make it work properly? (needed packs and stuff)


(fretn) #14

Yes thats why I want to release new binaries :slight_smile:


(fretn) #15

I’ve updated the files on the project page with a working win7 build

(Crytiqal) #16

This would be so awesome :smiley:

Can’t wait to play!

(FFSturm) #17

thanks, going to test them in a few.
edit: works perfectly

(fretn) #18

It still crashes every now and then on windows, I’m trying to fix it

(FFSturm) #19

I have been playing it yesterday (win7) and there is a little problem. When you spawn in X map, both players are stuck on themselves. It happened in escape2. Also the fraglimit count? sv_Fraglimit i guess?
Another little problem was the tesla gun. It just doesn’t work (it casts rays, but does nothing). This also happens in ubersoldiers.
For the animations, I did a trick. /model infrantryss (well, it’s a german, (american in disguise hehe), but at least the animations are correct)

Overall for being a testing release, it’s really outstanding. thanks you

(FFSturm) #20

ok, its /fraglimit (Default to 20). I just put 9999