Servers improvements being what they are, I guess the hardware possibilities allow them to last longer than they did couple of years ago. But that’s all, pretty much everything I see recently reported is mostly bad routing and bad maintaining of the servers.
And your clip does not mean anything. First of all, server won’t revert back to a better state once they’ve hit the shitty state. So the higher the maximum playercount is (plus how often it will get filled), the faster the server could turn into madness. The server starts messing around and it can’t be solved until you restart the instance ,or, more efficiently, restart the computer for good.
And those servers do not reply correctly situations, I’ve seen them in every UE3 game I mentionned. That’s purely empirical. The exact same problems, hit not registering, can’t enter a vehicule / turret / usable, warping, rubberbanding, all of them start to appear a couple of days or even hours if you don’t actually restart the server at some point. I replicated this situation on tribes, chivalry, and noticed it on DB as well back when we had the AIE server filled on a regular basis.
I totally agree with your point though, this might be wrong. But hey, 3 different games, with the same engine and netcode, different third party systems, and the same results with the same renting company ? That’s not a coincidence to me. And Multiplay never held the best service records throughout the 15 years I’ve spent renting servers with the different communities I played with.
And don’t forget, I consider the current situation highly problematic, but I also consider the usual server service we’ve had in dirty bomb since day one way below standards to what is reachable with that engine. For what ? Intercontinental games in a fast fps ? What a joke honestly.
What does it cost to SD to even try something else (rent some dedicated high broadband server, if they don’t even have one at their office) than this horrible service and let us give feedback ? Pretty much nothing, they’ve never even tried.