Congrates to SD

(Hewster) #1

Hi guys, Veteran SD follower here (although not logged in for a while)

Just grabbed BRINK off Steam, and am loving it so far :slight_smile:

Congrats guys, despite the negative comments here, you should be proud
(Although part of me feels you have forgotten your roots)
Its a good commercial game, I hope it makes you loads of $$$ so you can,
maybe, spend some time on community stuffs :wink:


(wolfnemesis75) #2

Brink did a lot of cool things. Glad I am not the only one who thinks so! Yaaay!

(tokamak) #3

If you like Brink then you’ll cream your pants if you try ETQW.

(Covan2306) #4

yup, Brink is still ma fav shooter, and thats above mw3 and bestfriend3. still lovin it

(Indloon) #5

Lol XD

Welcome to BRINK player base btw!
Start mapping again;)

(zenstar) #6

I thought it was Boyfriend3: the Online Bromance Stimulator ???

(wolfnemesis75) #7

Ha ha ha. That’s just great! A bunch of my friends are bromancing it up on BF3. I think they’re BFFs.

(TruGamer97) #8

Hey a positive thread hope it last longer.

(gold163) #9

positive feedback? In the Brink forums???


(H0RSE) #10

Don’t believe it. Although ETQW is faster paced, and incorporates more accurate/twitchy shooting mechanics, it is lacking in overall fun factor. Perhaps if you are geared towards a competition mindset, and approach a game based on its gameplay and technical merits alone, then ETQW would probably better suit you, but from my experience playing both games, Brink, even with all its “faults,” is 10x more fun to play than ETQW.

ETQW may be the better made game (depending who you talk to) but Brink is more enjoyable. Save the debates, this is an opinion - deal with it.

(Apoc) #11

I disagree with this opinion

(tokamak) #12

Did Wolfnem just hack H0RSE’s account?

(gooey79) #13

On PC, ET:QW is the better game.

On PS3, Brink is the better game.

(tokamak) #14

Well yeah, ETQW on the consoles is disastrous.

(tangoliber) #15

I didn’t see anything that wrong with ETQW on PS3 in terms of the core gameplay. I thought the gunplay felt solid anyway.

(INF3RN0) #16

H0RSE was just saying that if you don’t have taste in games with a solid design plan and high learning curve, then you might just enjoy climbing over boxes and doing plenty of low-effort activities. Kill all dem bots ya parkour super star!

(H0RSE) #17

“taste in games” - as if it is some measurable, standard scale. So if a person prefers McDonald’s over a 5 star restaurant, is he in the wrong? Now I’m not saying Brink is McDonald’s compared to ETQW, I’m simply stating that a game can have all the making of a great game, and still fall flat for some. As for high learning curve - what does this have to do with anything? Riding a unicycle has a high learning curve, but I would much rather ride a bicycle or drive a car. A learning curve can actually be a deterrent to games for some people and in this case, has nothing to do with my opinions about ETQW, especially since the learning curve for that game isn’t really all that high - perhaps it’s just because I came from playing countless hours of RTCW and W:ET. The game isn’t hard to play - it’s just boring.

(.Chris.) #18

From memory I don’t remember RTCW and W:ET having drivable vehicles, deployables and asymmetric teams, can’t make direct comparison, two very different games.

Anyway ET:QW isn’t for everyone in the same way Brink isn’t for everyone, no need for folk to get all protective.

(Ruben0s) #19


I don’t know which site I should trust, metacritics with less than 1000 user reviews or gamefly with 15000 user reviews. Well it’s not something to be “proud” of.

(Legion) #20

Congratulations for creating game that nobody plays (ok, except wolfnemesis) few weeks after release.

What an amazing game…