Confusing Interface Issues

(Boomzilla) #1

So far the game seems pretty interesting. But, I’ve been very confused by the interface, and my inability to find certain information.

  1. A defining characteristic is how much AP it takes a character to move, yet I haven’t been able to find that in the game.

  2. The RAD Bux store is worded wrong. It say’s 4.99 for 60 RAD Bux. Or 9.99 for 155 with 15 free. 155-15= 140. 140 divided by 2 equals 70. All the other Rad Bux offers seem to assume that 4.99 buys you 70 Rad Bux as well. It doesn’t.

  3. 1 RAD Bux seems to be worth about 1500-1600 coins, with the exception of Dee Hatlackers cost. a 10 game boost costs 10 RAD Bux, and offers 50% more coins for 10 matches. So 1 RAD Bux gets you 50% more coins in a match. A very good win in the 14 point queues (where new players start) gives me around 1600-1800 coins. A boost would grant me 800-900 coins for 1 RAD Bux, which seems like a really poor deal. Should these be better or are they only useful in the bigger matches?

  4. The store is all geared around larger purchases, rather than making small incremental purchases. The smallest amount of RAD Bux you can buy is 4.99. Most of the packages assume you spent at least 10 dollars. I like your game and would likely have bought a character or two for a dollar, but at higher prices I’d rather save up coins.

(Catnadian) #2

There’s a holiday decrease in RAD Bux cost right now in that most things cost about half as many RAD Bux as they normally would, not sure if you’re taking that into account or not.

Having only really used the coin boost once off of levelling Bux, I can say that it is probably better in the bigger matches, but your information confuses me. Every 14-point game I’ve played nets me much smaller coin amounts than what you’ve listed, and I’ve pulled off some pretty nasty steamrolls. I’ve made 1900-2200 in coin-boosted 26-point matches. It does seem a tad weak in comparison with most of the other purchases you could make. I think they were a little less during the selective release phase, to the point where you probably could have bought 5 or 6 10-match boosters if you just played to level 40, which might have been the reason behind the increase.

And yes, the store is geared towards larger purchases of RAD Bux. The ten-dollar mark can get you a really solid amount of things (a few high-cost soldiers and an appropriate weapon, or some really good low-cost soldiers and more weapons, and these are pre-markdown prices). Really it just boils down to paying what you think the game is worth according to what they ask. I’ve already thrown in twenty bucks, and may well throw in more depending on what else gets put out there.

As for the information, I don’t recall movement costs being explicitly stated in any of the tutorials. If you’re still confused on it, Lights (200HP/12AP) use 1 AP to move (max 12 squares), Mediums (250HP/14AP) use 2 AP (max 7 squares) and Heavies (300HP/18AP) use 3 AP (max 6 squares). I agree it should probably be thrown in somewhere, because I’ve answered this question before, and it’s pretty important, all considered. I have faith it’ll be addressed though.

(Boomzilla) #3

Wasn’t aware of a holiday decrease. That definitely throws off my expectations then.

The light, medium, heavy thing makes since. But, I was confused about that too. The description for my captain describes him as a Heavy Captain, but he seems to have the move and AP of a medium?

(Catnadian) #4

Yeah, all Captains are considered Medium class. Wasn’t aware that the game listed any of the Captains as Heavy anything, which is interesting. Either the description is a bit of an artifact from the pre-testing days that never got brought up, or a little flavor text crept up into the general description to mess with our heads.

(tinker) #5


Play some of the challanges and you already have your information. All characters with 200hp and 12energy ( what is displayed in the character description) need 1 energy to move. all characters with 250 hp and 14 energy need 2 energy to move. and all characters with 300hp and 18 energy need 3 energy to move.

why should it be worded wrong. different RAD Packs give you different amount or RAD bux. The bigger the pack you buy the bigger is your RADbux/ money you get.

The game… or more the devs. do not presume that everyone with RAD bux automatically bought them or has many just from the beginning. People with not too many RADbux could rather want to get coins very fast - to get the needed amount very soon or if they see they cannot use their RADbux anymore - trade them for coins.
The prices in the market jump up and down at the moment - i think it is dependant on the people who buy the items. Suds - for example - is not used very often - he is very hard to use – and is very cheap (coins)
I cannot tell you why Dee Hatlacker, who costs more in coins, costs less than suds in RADbux but there is probably a reason for it. BUT I think the difference of RADbux to coins proportion for every item is intentional – the developers and programmers are probably very good in math :wink:

4) The store is all geared around larger purchases, rather than making small incremental purchases. The smallest amount of RAD Bux you can buy is 4.99. Most of the packages assume you spent at least 10 dollars. I like your game and would likely have bought a character or two for a dollar, but at higher prices I’d rather save up coins.[/QUOTE]

Does that mean you would buy more if you would get more for your money?
This is a problem the devs should think about …
But here are my thoughts on it:

I think this is a problem of the intention of the game and of “supply and demand”
The game has unlimited supply and a quite high demand.
If you decrease the prices, more people would buy items But this could turn the game in a richkid-game (many players that get everything by gaming over and over again - and a few that just buy whatever they like from the very beginning.
At the moment the game is none of the following : a freemium game -richkid game - no life game , skill-game
The Game has - in my opinion - the PERFECT balance of Time you have to spend to be “good” AND to get what you want even without iAP, “powerleveling” or something else.
overall balance there is nothing imbalanced they did not fix as soon as it was reported iAP that give casual players the chance of getting whatever they need for their setup for a fair amount of money ( I talked about this in other threads) AND EXTRA content for players who want more - I mean like MOAR - Skill you might gain from gaming - you have to get into the game (within the first few [or up to hundreds for those who need longer] games) and from there on you find YOUR setup and everything else is just perfecting your gaming. No long-trained skills needed

In my opinion the Interface is just fine - there are only few things in the description that need to be fixed.

sry Catnadain if I repeated some of your answers, just wanted to give my opinion on each of this issues.

with friendly regards

(Nooby.) #6

Oooo tinker where would we be without you brain