[COMPLETE] Game Update: May 27th, 2015

(MissMurder) #1

It’s that time again! Dirty Bomb will be having a game update and therefore going under maintenance at these times:

London (BST, UTC +1:00): 13:00 - 15:30
Los Angeles (PDT, UTC -7:00): 5:00 AM - 7:30 AM
Sydney (AEST, UTC +10:00): 10:00 PM - 12:30 AM, May 28th

Patch notes will come tomorrow!

(Ardez1) #2

Could you maybe push them back until like 3PM EST? :smiley: Pretty please??

Kira and Rhino on the way. I’m expecting the UI overhaul to hit as well. Praying for a huge list of updates but those are the ones I think will make it. Maybe Dome tomorrow too? Who knows.

(DutchLM) #3

Looking forward to this!

(LiNkz) #4

awesome <3

(Amerika) #5

Some hints were dropped in Kudos chat as to what the extras in the update would be. Sounds like those crappy Gold cards you don’t want will have a purpose now :slight_smile:

(umberInlet) #6

@Amerika If you have gold. T.T

(Ardez1) #7

6 >.> 2 for sawbones and 2 for fletcher, 1 sky 1 bush… Let me recycle these!!!

(Jarppa) #8

I bet this will include server binaries for us to install on our own servers :smiley:

(Daergar) #9

New mercs, huzzah!

(Nail) #10

I highly doubt that will happen, rental servers maybe

(Lumi) #11

Yeay, awesome! Updates are always good news. But I haven’t been paying too much attention, are updates every wednesday or is it just a coincidance?

(distinquishedSandwich) #12

Oh god… and so it begins, a new age of ion cannons

(Lumi) #13

I think the age of tank armies is more likely :smiley:


Think I might get Rhino because of how beast he is!

(misspo) #15


(DB Genome editor) #16

The trend used to be an update + a rotation of the free mercs every two weeks. But the Fletcher update slipped by a week, so now we are alternating between a new free mercs rotation one week and an update the next one. Not sure if it will stay like that, but it’s nice to have only one week to wait in order to try the new mercs :slight_smile:

(Jarppa) #17

I highly doubt that will happen, rental servers maybe[/quote]

True, but rental option would suck. I just hope they’ll provide information of their plans for this.

(misspo) #18

Hope it will be possible to rent your own private server with more option to manage it.
And why not in the future, have the possibility to creat your own map like valve do.
Importantes things: “record/replay/demo” , “rent a server”, “more option with the server”, “better optimisation of the frame rate”.

(DutchLM) #19

The time has come! ( also the time for patch notes? )

(marvelousCherry) #20

I just downloaded 2.9 gb from steam. Bad timing now time to download update :tired_face: