Competitive Premades

(Darkwolf3802) #1

I thought premades were banned from ranked mode. Im in a competitive match facing a premade group of 4 or 5 right now and its completely unfair. Not to mention we had a afker so 5v4. Is ANYTHING going to be done to make ranked matches fair and to prevent trolls from ruining ur rank?

(fasT32) #2

Premades aren’t banned. The good thing however is that if the match was very lopsided (i.e. cobalts vs silvers) it won’t affect your rank at all or very small.

(Darkwolf3802) #3

@fasT32 said:
Premades aren’t banned. The good thing however is that if the match was very lopsided (i.e. cobalts vs silvers) it won’t affect your rank at all or very small.

It was lopsided and yes it affected my rank

(fasT32) #4

@Darkwolf3802 said:

@fasT32 said:
Premades aren’t banned. The good thing however is that if the match was very lopsided (i.e. cobalts vs silvers) it won’t affect your rank at all or very small.

It was lopsided and yes it affected my rank

How much? It shouldn’t be more than 5 to 10 percent if the ranks were truly off balance. What were the average ranks of both teams?

(Darkwolf3802) #5

@fasT32 said:

@Darkwolf3802 said:

@fasT32 said:
Premades aren’t banned. The good thing however is that if the match was very lopsided (i.e. cobalts vs silvers) it won’t affect your rank at all or very small.

It was lopsided and yes it affected my rank

How much? It shouldn’t be more than 5 to 10 percent if the ranks were truly off balance. What were the average ranks of both teams?

Enough as to where these premades running a discord channel to talk completed the ranked run within 5min

(bgyoshi) #6

Ranked premades are both good and bad

Being able to play on a team with friends is great

Pitting premades against solo queues is pretty bad

But there isn’t enough Ranked population to justify splitting up premades and solo q just yet