Keep it simple, shared. Unless you plan on having lots of abilities that is, which I hope you don’t.
Community Question: Powering Class Abilities
Shared mana pool for simplicity of use unless you have very good balance reasons to also have cooldowns.
Like in the mechanics - keep it separate. Will make the fine-tuning/balancing of the abilities easier/more flexible. That’s not a feature where a little more innovation will kill the game. Needs to be thoroughly tested though first.
Cooldowns. Whether global cooldowns or separate cooldowns for every ability would be dependent on the nature of the abilities.
Really does depend on the ability, for example health kits are better on individual cooldowns whereas airstrikes need a team pool. What i would say, is dont make the mistake you made with brink and make grenades into some sort of “ability” where they have no set amount, just a cooldown, makes them so spammy. If someone only has one grenade in a life, then they wont waste it. If it recharges every 20 seconds then the world and its mother will throw it anywhere and everywhere, creating a grenade spam game that reduces the games depth.
True. Then again, I wouldn’t mind ‘grenade regeneration’ as an unlockable ability.
Totally forgot about this, yeah they need to be team pooled.
Strange you mention the nade spam after saying that, Brink has no airstrikes or artillery but felt more spamy compared to ET.
That’s why you don’t limit yourself to one restriction (that sounded weird). Take the Lazarus grenade. It wasn’t used often but if the teams were larger then throwing a couple of them right after each other is extremely powerful.
[QUOTE=.Chris.;405013]Totally forgot about this, yeah they need to be team pooled.
Strange you mention the nade spam after saying that, Brink has no airstrikes or artillery but felt more spamy compared to ET.[/QUOTE]
Limited grenades in ET meant they were used more cautiously. In ETQW there were that many deployables, turrets, AAT’s etc. that grenades were wasted on those rather than in actual combat with other players which never sat well with me. In Brink yeah everyone just threw them for fun as they knew they were getting them back. I prefer the whole RtCW / ET way of handling nades, limited number and used for actual combat.
Because they were grenade sponges, you were forced to use your grenades to deal with turrets/vehicles if you want them disposed of in a timely manor else you’d end up using all of your ammo. It meant grenades weren’t used as often as I’d have preferred in inf combat.
Yeah, by time you got to the objective you may have used up all your grenades which would be needed to clear chokepoints of mines or to get some frags and push back a defense or something.
So… any solution to that? It feels like the replenish-able grenades are a solution to ETQW’s problem creating an entirely new problem in Brink. This is why I think players should have various means to recharge in the field.
What annoyed me in Brink however, was not being able to throw several grenades at once. At the same time, you were almost forced to throw your free grenade every once in a while because otherwise you would be denying yourself an infinite resource of grenades. It was limiting as well as compulsive.
I was never a fan of the massive amount of deployables in the 1st place in ETQW. Brink’s replenish-able grenades solved an ETQW problem that didn’t exist in Brink because there weren’t a major amount of turrets… and even the ones that were there could be incapacitated easily.
Oh alright. I was a fan of a massive amount of deployables. It allowed for a bigger scale of combat without requiring more players on the server.
Remember when supply crates and stroyent replenished grenades? It was an absolute mess.
I’m not saying it should be easy, there’s ample ways of regulating it. It only needs to be possible if that’s what players want to turn into a specific tactic.