[QUOTE=DarkangelUK;402950]I was discussing the extra XP flurry given for simply being within the radius of the gate. I remember someone posting that they would start a private match then just stand at the gate and simply let the XP rack up. Letting an enemy get that close in the 1st place is more dangerous if you don’t have the aiming skill to kill them, it’s all subjective.
It kinda veers off into subjectivity, you’re again catering towards the highest XP prize and not taking into account the impact that player had. Lets take your hatred of K/D. Someone situated away from the gate has been keeping the enemy at bay the entire game, they’ve been mowing them down where the guy placed at the gate has been racking up XP for simply being there. Since kills seemingly aren’t valued, the 1st guy gets very little XP but a lot of kills or 1 or 2 deaths. 2nd guy has been racking up XP, he’s killed 1 or 2 that have slipped through and died a few times. He gets more XP and is considered the more skilled player. In a shooter, he’s stood still, killed less and died more times, yet is considered the more skilled player due to his XP… that’s very, very wrong.[/QUOTE]
You are right, the entire territory from the objective zone to the other teams spawn should have the same XP rate…Just getting kills around the objective should not be worth less than cutting the enemy off while traveling.
But KDR is useless in almost any game where players have to complete objectives. In a evenly-matched game in Brink, you can’t usually clear out the defense… the objective often has to be performed in chaos, like the crane repair on shipyard. Engineers probably die 20 times by suicide repairing the crane, but it works and is necessary. Or the retrieval objective on CC, where the operative repeatedly throws an EMP into the room with the data, grabs the data, runs out, dies, repeat 10 times until he finally makes it out. KDR doesn’t always matter for defense either, as sometimes you gotta suicide defuse or something like that.
In Tribes: Ascend, the capper sometimes gets no kills, and always gets a lot of deaths deaths… the capper just suicides over and over so that he can occasionally have a successful run. In Killzone 2 clan competition, some of the best players have very low KDRs due to rushing plants in chaos, or preferring to take out turrets before players.
XP for kills and for objectives and teamwork (giving ammo, healing) is probably the best way to score. Its just an indicator of how active you were during the match…not really how skillful you are.