I and a lot of players i know and play with would prefer to play a 3v3 with human players than a 12v12 with bots filling in. Bots should be absent from online multiplayer.
Community Question: Matchmaking
I think that a match browser is always better than matchmaking for a game with a smaller population of players. Even in games that have 100,000 players a week, matchmaking sometimes isn’t good enough.
Matchmaking may work best for some CoD, but for a Splash Damage kind of game, a match browser is most appropriate.
- Players can customize the games to what they want, and don’t have to rely on general playlists
- The process is not invisible, unlike matchmaking. I can search matchmaking all day and not find any people because the system isn’t working, or I’m searching in the wrong place, or because the system doesn’t think I have a good enough connection to any matches. A match browser doesn’t hide any matches…I can choose based on the rules and based on the ping.
That said, 4v4 humans only, warmup mode, stopwatch, friendly fire on, is my preferred settings
I and a lot of people I know prefer if the the streets were filled with attractive slim females rather than lots of ugly fat chicks. Ugly fat chicks should be absent from the streets.
A good Connection for a multiplayer game is the most important of all; on consoles (Considering it’s P2P), therefor I chose Regional Game!
But, I also like to play with friends and somewhat skill based, I don’t want to play on a team full of n00bs or against a team of freaks who have the game installed on their brain hooked up on an I.V.
I am a big fan of the lobby system developed for console games! -
If the game is half-full that’s enough to start it, as long as it isn’t a complete empty lobby I’m happy. Although it does need to be balanced symmetrically. Other than that I don’t mind adding 1 to 3 bots to even out the uneven amounts.
The more options with Matchmaking, the better in my book. Allowing players have some control is a big bonus and multiple search options to allow for Skill Rank search, Party and Lobby search, as well as drop in and out play. The ideal is being able to do a little of each really well.
Oh Chris I would rep you up for that if the board would only let me!
I’d prefer a game that balances numbers and experience, humans with bots to fill in ONLY if there is an imbalance so 6v5 +1 bot
Some thoughts
- The presence of just one bot already ruins it for me. I don’t want to have the possibility that I’m not encountering humans
- Quick match and Full human match go hand in hand. ETQW thought us this much. The join a quick game is useless if it doesn’t guarantee full (or quickly filling) servers. You need a critical mass of popularity to get the entire thing rolling.
- I’d love a competitive matchmaking system for shooter. Clan matches should be catered to in-game. Take cues from how Blizzard runs their rated battlegrounds.
Even 1 bot is not good although you might need it in this game because nobody plays it. I can’t take the stats serious in this game because some people play quite a bit against bots. When I get a kill against a bot it’s so underwhelming and not satisfying. Judging by the results of this poll so far it’s pretty obvious what people want. Now can you please implement it ASAP before the big games release and I can only play against Wolfnemesis and his “clan” because they will be the only ones left?
How about changing the dynamic?
Why not (okay I’m experiencing deja vu while writing this so forgive me if I or someone else have said this before or you know have two cats).
Why not expand on the warmup as a lobby? I honestly find the sitting at a limited browser (as a lobby is) waiting, waiting… waiting to play a game absolutely dull and stupid. Likewise on the other end of the scale joining a server with 1 person on it, uncomfortable!
So why not make joining the server entertaining? Put in a deathmatch mode, a coop survival mode or some other game to play while waiting. Sure you might feel a little red faced if people prefer your lobby to the game but that’s not going to happen is it! This might also be a good place (with some kind of limitations) to allow people to grind out persistent stuff rather than doing it in game.
Can I also say I love that there is an option there implying an ability for players to + and - other players and influence match making as a result. I’m a huge supporter of social accountability within games to promote civil behaviour rather than the nanny state approach of classing everyone as cocks.
I am fine with the bots because it keeps the matches going and acts like a placeholder for individual players to join later.
Yes we know already. Everything is fine about the game.
Anyway, Left4Dead did it right. I there’s one game to imitate, then it would be that game.
I put down Full Human Game and Friendly Game, but Friendly Game for me means either a fireteam lobby or a lobby that SHOWS what friends are playing are what.
Given that this is in the SD section and not Brink, you might not be off considering it research for a game in development, now.
I’m starting to like Gears of War system as well. Plain and simple. You enter a ‘server’ and you simply wait before the game starts.
Starting the game with one player and a few bots shows no respect for the matches that are being played. It gives the message that the start and outcome of the match doesn’t matter, players are replaceable and can just hop in and out, whatever. This means players aren’t attached to how the game will go which means they aren’t immersed in the game itself.
The moment you bring all the players together before the match start and let them commence all at the same time draws players in. They’ve heard the starting gun and will be running their ass off to finish first.
So don’t see Matchmaking as a way to just get people together as efficiently as possible. See it as an opportunity to involve people further into the game.
[QUOTE=tokamak;376543]I’m starting to like Gears of War system as well. Plain and simple. You enter a ‘server’ and you simply wait before the game starts.
[/QUOTE]Gears of War 3 has bots. And so does Gears of War 2… just like Brink. Had to be said. I played Gears of War almost every day for years, and you did a lot of waiting in the sever lobby if you wanted to play full matches.
The most important thing for matchmaking in any game is a party system. One that allows my entire team to search for a game and join as a team.
Soooon, sooooooooon.
Really appreciate everyone’s feedback so far, it’s been great reading all of your replies.